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April 1980 and Jane is the first female detective to be posted to the Met's renowned Flying Squad, commonly known as the 'Sweeney'. Based at Rigg Approach in East London, they investigate armed robberies on banks, cash in transit and other business premises.

Jane thinks her transfer is on merit and is surprised to discover she is actually part of a short term internal experiment, intended to have a calming influence on a team that likes to dub themselves as the 'Dirty Dozen'.

The men on the squad don't think a woman is up to the dangers they face when dealing with some of London's most ruthless armed criminals, who think the only…
Цикл: Теннисон, книга №5

Главный подозреваемый 1973 (2017)Мини-сериал, 6 серий. Сериал снят по мотивам цикла книг, который на русский язык не переводился.

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: The Dirty Dozen

Дата написания: ~2019

Первая публикация: August 19, 2019

Язык: Английский

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