
Моя оценка

Gov-corp detective Carlos Moreno was only a baby when Atlas left Earth to seek truth among the stars. But in that moment, the course of Carlos’s entire life changed. Atlas is what took his mother away; what made his father lose hope; what led Alejandro Casales, leader of the religious cult known as the Circle, to his door. And now, on the eve of the fortieth anniversary of Atlas’s departure, it’s got something to do why Casales was found dead in his hotel room—and why Carlos is the man in charge of the investigation.

To figure out who killed one of the most powerful men on Earth, Carlos is supposed to put aside his personal history. But…
Цикл: Planetfall, книга №2

Лучшая цитата на книгу

Первая публикация: 2016

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2018 г.Премия Жюли Верланже (Премия Жюли Верланже - роман)
2017 г.Премия Артура Ч. Кларка (Роман)
2017 г.Локус (Лучший научно-фантастический роман)

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