„Wer es temporeich, klar und hart mag, für den ist Child genau der Richtige. Bei ihm zählt der Plot. […]Die richtige Urlaubslektüre für Thrillerfans.“ (STERN)
“In dieser Story hat der Jurist Lee Child […] wieder alle Register der Spannungsliteratur gezogen…“ (dpa)
„Der Stoff, aus dem Lee Child einmal mehr großes Kino macht, farbig und geräuschvoll.“ (Schweiz am Sonntag)
„Der von Autor Lee Child erfundene Einzelkämpfer Jack Reacher ist eine der Kultfiguren des Thrillergenres.“ (Die Presse)
„Unbestechlich, unerbittlich, unschlagbar – Ein klassischer Reacher. Das heißt: Klare Kante, keine Kompromisse.“ (Hitradio rt1)
"The bone-crunching, joint-popping action is as technically precise and primevally satisfying as ever. The extra-lean prose is as ruthlessly linear as the plot.[However,]Lee Child proves he can write about emotions other than lust and anger and reveals his hero to be more than just a man of steel. Eighteen novels in, his franchise shows no sign of running out of steam." (Mark Sanderson Evening Standard)
Lee Child's bodacious action hero, Jack Reacher, has already tramped through 17 novels and three ebook singles. But his latest, "Never Go Back," may be the best desert island reading in the series. It's exceptionally well plotted. And full of wild surprises. And wise about Reacher's peculiar nature.
/Mr. Child's Jack Reacher series is as brainy as it is brawny...Starting with an opening sequence that throws three huge surprises at Reacher, there are more neat tricks and clever set pieces in this one volume than Mr. Child has ever strung together before...Read it. You'll see why.
" (Janet Maslin New York Times)
"Is Reacher getting soft? Not a chance. The righteous violence when it comes is still pretty astonishing. This is one of Reacher's best outings. A must for all fans." (Daily Express)
"Jack Reacher is a man's man, a loner, a renegade crusader for justic...The harder-than-nails hero is on the top of his form...You'd better read it." (Sun)
"Fast-paced, taut and punchy, fans will love this." (Sunday Mirror)