Цикл книг «Тайна Квентина Блэка»

Серия Тайна Квентина Блэка - это сверхъестественная серия с паранормальными загадками, городской фэнтези и с сильной романтической линией. Она включает в себя как фэнтезийные, так и научно-фантастические элементы, в которых участвуют анти героический психологический детектив Квентин Р. Блэк и его партнер, судебный психолог Мири Фокс.

В книгах Квентина Блэка есть немного романтики и секса, а также тайны и потусторонние интриги.

Оригинальное название: The Quentin Black Mystery Series Категория: циклы произведений Теги: Тайна квентина блэка, Дж. с. андрижески Ссылка на сайт серии: The Quentin Black Mystery Series
Kirev’s Door
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2015
Тип:Сетевое издание

From USA TODAY and WALL STREET JOURNAL bestselling author, a prequel in the Quentin Black World. Science Fiction Apocalyptic.

Kirev is a seer. Raised in an alternate version of…

Чёрное в белом
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2020

Наделённая необъяснимым даром чувствовать людей, психолог Мири Фокс время от времени работает профайлером для полиции. Поэтому, когда они думают, что наконец-то поймали…

Black As Night
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2017

“He will break anything you try to keep pure, brother.”

When her now-employer, psychic detective, Quentin Black, calls from a Bangkok jail, asking for her help, forensic…

Black Christmas
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2016
Тип:Сетевое издание

Miri Fox just returned to San Franciso after a harrowing ordeal in Thailand––an ordeal no one really understands except her boss, psychic detective, Quentin Black. But Black…

Black On Black
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2017

“What kind of confession are you looking for, brother…?”

Black disappears, leaving Miri alone in San Francisco mere days after they return from Bangkok.

No explanation. Not…

Black Supper
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2017
Тип:Сетевое издание

Quentin Black and Miri Fox finally get a chance to consummate their relationship after being separated for months while Black was in Paris. Little does Miri know, being new to the…

Black Is Back
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2017

“He is the guardian. He will protect his saint, no matter what it takes.”

Black and Miri just want some alone time.

Instead they get thrown into a high-profile murder case…

Black And Blue
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2021

“He’d be fresh meat here. And he didn’t have his sight.”

Miri’s not thrilled when Black takes a new consulting gig with the LAPD.

Despite her lingering fears after what…

Black Blood
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2017
Тип:Сетевое издание

Is a vampire more or less dangerous when he’s victim to a broken heart?

After Black spent weeks imprisoned and tortured by the evil vampire, “Brick,” Miriam is still dealing…

Black Of Mood
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2018

I thought I knew what angry looked like on Black before all this. I didn’t.

Black takes Miri with him to New York.

There, he thrusts her into a world of Wall Street, talk…

Black To Dust
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2018

“It’s good,” he pronounced. “We need one like you. You need a ghost to fight a dead man.”

Black finds himself out in the New Mexico desert, where an old war buddy of his needs…

In Black We Trust
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2018

“This strike you as a particularly wise idea, brother?” Manny asked under his breath. “Striking a deal with vampires?”

Black gave him a look. “No. But all my other ideas were…

Black The Sun
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2018

“He’s just like his cousin,” the seer grunted. “Sh*t followed him everywhere, too. No matter where he went, there it was.”

Black and Miri go to Thailand, to Black’s private…

To Black With Love
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2018

It was too late to save him.
It was too late for him to want to be saved.
Nice guy Nick, ex-cop, decorated vet…
was no more.

Nick Tanaka has been missing for months.…

Black Dreams
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2019

Miriam isn’t the powerful seer.
She isn’t the one with strange abilities…

…that’s her husband, Quentin Black.

Heck, Miri isn’t even a full-blood.

So what are these…

Black Of Hearts
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2020

His wife.
He fell still for the first time, panting, blinking against his blurred vision.
Whoever had him…
Gaos, they had his wife.

Kicked out of their momentary kiss with…

Black Hawaii
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2020

“It’s doing something,” the boatman said, hooking a thumb towards the shed. “It’s bad enough when it was just a dead body, man. Now, it’s like… doing things.”

“Doing things?”…

Black Of Wing
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2021

Black’s secret identity is out… as in WAY out… as in, he more or less announced who and what he was to every reporter in San Francisco.

Already a semi-notorious media hound and…

Black Is Magic
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2022

Black’s old army buddy, Cal, needs Black’s help on a new case––a bizarre murder in San Jose, California, where a man is found sawed in half. The victim, a wealthy…

Black Curtain
Дж. С. Андрижески
Год издания:2022

They thought the war ended.
They believed the last battle finally won.
They thought the curtain finally fell.

Black and Miri host the seer wedding they dreamed of, what they…

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