Цикл книг «Fall Revolution» — 4 книги

Последние добавленные книги

The Star Fraction
Ken MacLeod
ISBN:0-765-30156-3, 978-0-7653-0156-7
Год издания:2002
Издательство:Tor Books

Moh Kohn is a security mercenary, his smart gun and killer reflexes for hire. Janis Taine is a scientist working on memory-enhancing drugs, fleeing the US/UN's technology cops.…

The Stone Canal
Ken MacLeod
ISBN:0-09-955891-2, 978-0-09-955891-0
Год издания:1996

Life on New Mars is tough for humans, but death is only a minor inconvenience. The machines know their place, the free market rules all, and only the Abolitionists object.
Then a…

The Cassini Division
Ken MacLeod
ISBN:1-85723-603-3, 978-1-85723-603-3
Год издания:1998

Ellen May Ngewthu is a soldier and leader of the Cassini Division, the elite defense force of the utopian Solar Union. Here in the twenty-fourth century, the forts of the…

The Sky Road
Ken MacLeod
ISBN:1-85723-755-2, 978-1-85723-755-9
Год издания:1999

Centuries after its catastrophic Deliverance, humanity is again reaching into space. And one young scholar working in the space ship yard, Clovis colha Gree, could make the…