Цикл книг «Blue Collar Daddies in the City» — 5 книг | Читать лучшие подборки на Livelib

Последние добавленные книги

Wait in the Truck
Aria Grace
Год издания:2023
Издательство:Independently Published

Harris didn't want to spend fourteen hours on the road during a storm, but when he hears about a dog in need of a home a few states away, he makes the trek. Not long after his…

Have Mercy on Me
Aria Grace
Год издания:2023
Издательство:Independently Published

Jason loves walking dogs, but he has plans to do something big with his life. Not big like change the world kind of big. But big enough to change at least a few lives. So when he…

Trashed to Treasured
Aria Grace
Год издания:2023
Издательство:Independently Published

Brody was back with his high school sweetheart, Geo, and he believed that this time would be different. But Geo isn't a one-man guy, and he made Brody feel ashamed of the side of…

Loved Like a Little
Aria Grace
Год издания:2023
Издательство:Independently Published

Billy never had much self-confidence. Things weren't great growing up in his household, but when his mom died, his dad became even worse. And there was nothing he could do to make…

Braking for Daddy
Aria Grace
Год издания:2024
Тип:Сетевое издание

Max embraced his ADHD with his whole heart. He loved moving fast and getting stuff done at triple the speed of people around him. But that fast pace made it hard to make friends…