Цикл книг «Клуб Элитных Королей» — 6 книг

Содержание цикла «Клуб Элитных Королей»

История Мэдисон и Бишопа:
1. Серебряный лебедь
2. Сломанная кукла
3. Безмолвный король
4. Ruined Castles

+ история Нэйта и Тилли, Malum в двух томах

+ история Брэнтли и Сэинт, Sancte Diaboli в двух томах

Оригинальное название: Elite King's Club Категория: циклы произведений Теги: СЛР, Амо Джонс

Последние добавленные книги

Серебряный лебедь
Амо Джонс
Год издания:2022
Издательство:Эксмо, Freedom
Серия:Freedom. Клуб Элитных Королей

Разгадай мою загадку.
Я не мертвый. Не живой. И не то, что Мэдисон скрывает за своей спиной.
Когда придет время, ты будешь мертва.
Минуты пошли. Да начнется игра…


Сломанная кукла
Амо Джонс
Год издания:2022
Издательство:Эксмо, Freedom
Серия:Freedom. Клуб Элитных Королей

Они солгали.
Они обманули меня.
Смирившись с тем, что мне остались лишь обрывки воспоминаний и беспорядочных мыслей из таинственного дневника, я ушла. «Короли» не властны надо…

Безмолвный король
Амо Джонс
Год издания:2022
Издательство:Эксмо, Freedom
Серия:Freedom. Клуб Элитных Королей

Я больше всего на свете хотела вернуться к нормальной жизни. Но Бишоп втянул меня в мир интриг и тайн. Мы обещали всегда быть честными друг с другом, но он прячет свои чувства за…

Амо Джонс

Malum: Part 1 , Part 2

“Love is savage, love is blind, love is something they may not find…”
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived in a battered trailer, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks.
One day, she fell down The Elite Kings’ rabbit hole. Sucked into a dark vortex of lies, hate, and deceit, and spat out by money, glitz, and power.
There were things this little girl didn’t know, things she was about to find out and secrets that have been kept from her. Those secrets were guarded by the boys that were about to smash her world open and tear it all apart…
He may be a Malum, but she is a Stuprum, born into this world but neglected by the choice of her mother. Her eyes may not glisten with stars, but they roar with fire, and when she finally reaches her peak, it’s that same fire that will burn.
My name is Tillie Stuprum, and my story is not like the rest.
Everything she thought she knew is a fabricated version of the truth. I’m Nate Riverside-Malum, the one your girl whispers about to her friends and whose initials are scratched down your back. Her story is not like the rest of them, because her story is dead.

Lana_Sage 23 января 2022 г., 00:18

Sancte Diaboli
Амо Джонс

Sancte Diaboli: Part One , Part Two

The Devil comes with baggage, and not the kind you can lose. I was two years old when he saved me. I didn’t understand much at that age, but I remember the pale boy with hair as dark as ink, saving me from two evils. He said he would protect me; I just didn’t know he meant from himself. I was raised in the arms of evil, tailored for the Devil like a custom Armani suit, and every day he wore it like a weapon. Brantley thought by keeping me locked in his manor that it would protect me, and it did.
Until it didn’t.
As I slowly adapt to The Elite Kings Club and the dark, sinister world that exists around the outlaws in suits, I come to learn that the monster everyone fears is the very same one I crave.
Like a prized trophy, I sit on his throne…
Something quite pretty, an object he owns…
She’s a porcelain doll, so shiny, so clean…
Something I want to polish, but to never be seen…
The time has come, I am in his world…
Now his Dea, can be admired by all…
The thing with porcelain is it’s fragile and delicate…
It would only take a second for me to eradicate it…

Lana_Sage 23 января 2022 г., 00:21

Ruined Castles
Амо Джонс
Год издания:2021

Nothing is going to make sense once you flip open this first chapter. You’re going to wonder why the fuck I made the decisions I did. Why he did what he did. I’m not going to make…


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