Цикл книг «Истории Блэквелла»

Последние добавленные книги

Loki's Wolves
К.Л. Армстронг, М.А. Марр
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

In Viking times, Norse myths predicted the end of the world, an event called Ragnarok, that only the gods can stop. When this apocalypse happens, the gods must battle the…

Odin's Ravens
К.Л. Армстронг, М.А. Марр
ISBN:1907411313, 978-1-907411-31-1
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Seven kids, Thor's hammer, and a whole lot of Valkyries are the only things standing against the end of the world.

When thirteen-year-old Matt Thorsen, a modern day descendant…