Книги без рецензий (в оригинале) — 587 книг — стр. 11

Данная подборка создана с целью продолжения спасения книг - написания рецензий. Однако в ней собраны книги на языке оригинала (английском , французском, немецком и других), не изданные еще на русском языке.
К сожалению, не все интересные книги переводятся сейчас на русский язык, но те люди, которые владеют иностранными языками, могут прочитать книги в оригинале и по достоинству оценить их.
Надеюсь, что данная подборка будет пополняться, а книги из нее найдут своего читателя и достойную рецензию!

P.S. Если Вы заметили, что в подборке есть книга, на которую уже появилась рецензия или официальный перевод, пожалуйста, удалите ее из подборки. Также буду рада, Вашей помощи в добавлении книг!

картинка nerolia

The Spell Book of Listen Taylor
Jaclyn Moriarty
Год издания:2011
Издательство:Pan Macmillan

Since Listen Taylor's dad started dating a Zing, her life has gone from unusual to downright weird. The Zing family live in a world of unexplained projects, coded conversations and start-of-the-art surveillance equipment - all designed to protect the Zing family secret, a secret so huge it draws them all to the garden shed every Friday night. And Listen isn't invited. Listen herself has things she'd rather keep hidden, including an unconventional spell book that might just be the answer to her problems . . .

nerolia 8 сентября 2014 г., 00:07

The Street Was Mine: White Masculinity and Urban Space in Hardboiled Fiction and Film Noir
Megan Abbott
Год издания:2003
Издательство:Palgrave Macmillan

This book considers a recurrent figure in American literature: the solitary white man moving through urban space. The descendent of Nineteenth-century frontier and western heroes, the figure re-emerges in 1930-50s America as the 'tough guy'. The Street Was Mine looks to the tough guy in the works of hardboiled novelists Raymond Chandler (The Big Sleep) and James M. Cain (Double Indemnity) and their popular film noir adaptations. Focusing on the way he negotiates racial and gender 'otherness', this study argues that the tough guy embodies the promise of an impervious white masculinity amidst the turmoil of the Depression through the beginnings of the Cold War, closing with an analysis of Chester Himes, whose Harlem crime novels (For Love of Imabelle) unleash a ferocious revisionary critique of the tough guy tradition.

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:42

The Song Is You
Megan Abbott
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Simon & Schuster

On October 7, 1949, dark-haired starlet Jean Spangler kissed her five-year-old daughter good-bye and left for a night shoot at a Hollywood studio. She was never seen again. The only clues left behind: a purse with a broken strap found in a nearby park, a cryptic note, and rumours about mobster boyfriends and ill-fated romances with movie stars. Drawing on this true-life missing person case, Megan Abbott's The Song Is You tells the story of Gil 'Hop' Hopkins, a smooth-talking Hollywood publicist whose career, despite his complicated personal life, is on the rise. It is 1951, two years after Jean's disappearance, and Hop finds himself unwillingly drawn into the still unsolved mystery by a friend of Jean who blames Hop for concealing details about Jean's whereabouts the night she vanished. Driven by guilt and fear of blackmail, Hop delves into the case himself, feverishly trying to stay one step ahead of an intrepid female reporter also chasing the story. Hop thought he'd seen it all, but what he uncovers both tantalizes and horrifies him as he plunges deeper and deeper into Hollywood's substratum in his attempt to uncover the truth.

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:43

The Memory of Trees
Фрэнсис Коттэм
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Severn House Publishers

Billionaire Saul Abercrombie owns a vast tract of land on the Pembrokeshire coast. His plan is to restore the ancient forest that covered the area before medieval times, and he employs young arboreal expert Tom Curtis to oversee this massively ambitious project.
Saul believes that restoring the land to its original state will rekindle those spirits that folklore insists once inhabited his domain. But the re-planting of the forest will revive an altogether darker and more dangerous entity – and Saul’s employee Tom will find himself engaging in an epic, ancient battle between good and evil. A battle in which there can be only one survivor.

nerolia 10 сентября 2014 г., 12:35

Bury Me Deep
Меган Эбботт
Год издания:2009
Издательство:Simon & Schuster

In October 1931, a station agent found two large trunks abandoned in LA's South Pacific Train Station. What he found inside ignited one of the most scandalous tabloid sensations of the decade. Inspired by this notorious true crime, Bury Me Deep is the story of Marion Seeley, a young woman abandoned in Phoenix by her husband. At the medical clinic where she finds a job, Marion becomes fast friends with Louise, a vivacious nurse, and her roommate, Ginny. Before long, the demure Marion is swept up in the exuberant life of the girls, who supplement their scant income by entertaining the town's most powerful men with wild parties. At one of these events, Marion meets-and falls hard for-the charming Joe Lanigan, a local rogue and politician on the rise, whose ties to all three women bring events to a dramatic and deadly collision. A story born of Depression-era desperation and Jazz Age nostalgia, Bury Me Deep-with its hothouse of jealousy, illicit sex, and shifting loyalties-is a timeless portrait of the dark side of desire.

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:43

The End of Everything
Megan Abbott
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Back Bay Books

Thirteen-year old Lizzie Hood and her next door neighbor Evie Verver are inseparable. They are best friends who swap bathing suits and field-hockey sticks, and share everything that's happened to them. Together they live in the shadow of Evie's glamorous older sister Dusty, who provides a window on the exotic, intoxicating possibilities of their own teenage horizons. To Lizzie, the Verver household, presided over by Evie's big-hearted father, is the world's most perfect place.

And then, one afternoon, Evie disappears. The only clue: a maroon sedan Lizzie spotted driving past the two girls earlier in the day. As a rabid, giddy panic spreads through the Midwestern suburban community, everyone looks to Lizzie for answers. Was Evie unhappy, troubled, upset? Had she mentioned being followed? Would she have gotten into the car of a stranger?

Lizzie takes up her own furtive pursuit of the truth, prowling nights through backyards, peering through windows, pushing herself to the dark center of Evie's world. Haunted by dreams of her lost friend and titillated by her own new power at the center of the disappearance, Lizzie uncovers secrets and lies that make her wonder if she knew her best friend at all.

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:43

The Fever
Megan Abbott
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Little Brown and Company

Her hands flying up, she grabbed her throat, her body jolting to one side.

Then, in one swoop, her desk overturned, clattering to the floor.

And with it Lise. Her head twisting, slamming into the tiles, her bright red face turned up, mouth teeming with froth.

“Lise,” sighed Mrs. Chalmers, too far in front to see. “What is your problem?”

The Nashes are a close-knit family. Tom, a popular teacher, is father to the handsome, roguish Eli and his younger sister Deenie, serious and sweet. But their seeming stability is thrown into chaos when two of Deenie’s friends become violently ill, and rumours of a dangerous outbreak sweep through the whole community.

As hysteria swells and as more girls succumb, tightly held secrets emerge that threaten to unravel the world Tom has built for his kids, and destroy friendships, families, and the town’s fragile idea of security.

The Fever is a chilling story about guilt, family secrets, and the lethal power of desire.

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:44

Now You See Me
Marilyn Kaye
Год издания:2010
Серия:Gifted (Book 5)

The Gifted class are getting suspicious that there's a spy in their midst. But who? The chief suspect is queen-of-mean Amanda, who's started acting out of character and volunteering in the school office. Tracey and Jenna join forces - and gifts - to try to find out more. But when mind-reader Jenna is framed for a crime she didn't commit and sent to an institution, Tracey is on her own. Using her ability to become invisible, Tracey searches for answers and finds out more than she bargained for . . .

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:47

Secrets and Lies
Kody Keplinger
Год издания:2013

Kody Keplinger both returns to the halls of Hamilton High and explores new territory in her collection of two e-book exclusive novellas. In these short stories, the author revisits a familiar cast of characters from THE DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) and A Midsummer's Nightmare. Explore the uniquely teen world of high school drama, secrets, and romantic entanglements from completely fresh perspectives that will intrigue fans of Kody Keplinger and new readers alike

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:49

The Magdalena Curse
F.G. Cottam
Год издания:2011
Издательство:Thomas Dunne Books

It only takes a couple of visits to convince Dr. Elizabeth Bancroft that Adam Hunter is not just having bad dreams. He’s a child possessed.

His father is desperate: adamant that his son’s affliction is the result of a curse he incurred in the depths of the Amazon, where a badly misguided military operation ended in a terrifying and macabre encounter. There he met two women—one who placed the curse and the other with whom any hope of saving his son resides.

Mark Hunter leaves the Scottish Highlands to beg help from the mysterious woman, leaving his son in the care of Elizabeth—who is about to discover there are equally dark secrets on their own doorstep

nerolia 10 сентября 2014 г., 11:39

Speak No Evil
Marilyn Kaye
Год издания:2011
Серия:Gifted (Book 6)

About the Series Meadowbrook Middle School is an ordinary school with ordinary students-except for the Nine. These students look like the others, but they're not. You could call it a skill, a talent or a disadvantage, but each of these students is unique - they're gifted.
Everyone in the Gifted class has a secret, but Carter Street is the most mysterious student of all. Nobody knows anything about him - not even his real name. For some reason, he's been put in the Gifted class, maybe because no one knows what else to do with him. He never speaks, but the other students suspect that-like them-there's something going on behind Carter's blank stare. What they don't know is that it's something dangerous...

nerolia 9 сентября 2014 г., 16:50

Brodmaw Bay
F.G. Cottam
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Hodder & Stoughton

It's the perfect seaside village—no crime, no one from the city. When things start to go badly wrong for James Greer in London, Brodmaw Bay seems to be calling him and his family. There's a perfect house, excellent schools—and welcoming neighbors who assure the Greers that they'd be delighted to have some new blood in the Bay. But perhaps the village isn't so much welcoming them as luring them, to something ancient and evil.

nerolia 10 сентября 2014 г., 12:21

Zurück aus Afrika
Corinne Hofmann
Год издания:2004

Nach ihrem archaischen Leben bei den Massai baut Corinne Hofmann mit dem gleichen Willen, Mut und Optimismus, mit denen sie die Herausforderung in Kenia bewältigte, für ihre Tochter und sich in der »Welt der Weißen« eine neue Existenz auf. Der Kontakt zu ihrer »afrikanischen Familie« reißt jedoch nie ab. Im März 2003 betritt sie erneut afrikanischen Boden und erlebt dabei Gefühle und Abenteuer bis zur totalen Erschöpfung.
Read more at http://ebookee.org/Corinne-Hofmann-Zur-ck-aus-Afrika_899164.html#Dk6YsIw6C38tB5RS.99

nerolia 10 сентября 2014 г., 16:12

Von den Deutschen
Georg Klein
ISBN:978-3498035136, 3498035134
Год издания:2002

Auf und ab, und kreuz und quer, sind sie unterwegs. Ob zur Bowling-Bahn in U-Bahn-Nähe oder in ein Seniorenheim am Ammersee, ob zum neugebauten Kanzleramt an der Spree oder nach Erfurt, ob nach Chicago, wo der riesenhafte Herr Arno ein Nazi-Devotionalien-Geschäft betreibt, oder ins ferne Schutzgebiet an der Druschka - die Deutschen, von denen Georg Klein in diesen Geschichten erzählt, sind Getriebene, und doch sind sie alle fast am Ziel. Da ist der weißbeflaumte Kungu, der früher einmal in Afrika gekämpft hat und jetzt im Regengeniesel mit seiner Staffelei an der Gedächtniskirche sitzt. Da ist das Ray-Getz-Trio, das auf der alljährlichen Weihnachtstournee mit ihren Songs die Rentner glücklich macht. Da ist der in den Osten verschlagene Junggeselle Waldemar, der, vom Glühwein beschwipst, mit der mutmaßlichen Käuferin seines geerbten Hauses auf dem Liebeslager liegt und den süßen Klängen von "Erzgebirglers Heimatlied" lauscht. Oder da sind die Historical Harmonists, ein paar trinkfeste Arbeitslose, die sich eine Wagenburg im Berliner Regierungsviertel zurechtgeputzt haben, um vor Reisegruppen aus aller Welt zu spielen. Die Deutschen - Georg Klein beschreibt sie ohne Häme, ohne Spott. Im Gegenteil, Zartheit und Wärme, ja etwas Hegendes, fast Pflegendes haben sich in seine kunstvoll verrätselten, hochliterarischen Erzählungen geschlichen, die unserer Gegenwart, mit einem feinen Maß an Ironie, dicht auf den Fersen sind. "Und manchmal gehören Dinge zusammen und wachsen zusammen, die noch weiter auseinanderliegen als der Scheitel von Girkos Nichte und der blonde Schopf ihres Verehrers", heißt es in der Titelgeschichte. Und dann: "Wir lieben die Deutschen, und mit etwas Glück wird noch der eine oder andere von uns sein Glück mit ihnen machen."

nerolia 10 сентября 2014 г., 16:12

My Secret Garden
Nancy Friday
Год издания:2008
Издательство:Pocket Books

Welcome to Nancy Friday's secret garden, a hidden place where ordinary women are free to express the sexual dreams they have never dared to confide before. Safe behind the walls of anonymity, hundreds of real women responded to Nancy Friday's call for details of their own most private fantasies. My Secret Garden is the daring compilation of those fantasies. When it first appeared, it created a storm of outrage in the media...and an equal sense of exhilaration for those women who finally were able to share their sisters' most intimate thoughts. Even now, in a new millennium, over then thousand women each year buy a new copy of this astounding classic of feminist literature. Join them in their exploration of the meaning of desire. Dare to read, dare to dream, and dare to discover the beautiful blossoms, the winding paths, and the hidden nooks of female sexuality.

nerolia 11 сентября 2014 г., 10:36

The Bling Ring
Nancy Jo Sales
Год издания:2013

Published alongside the 2013 film The Bling Ring, directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Emma Watson, this is the explosive true story of the seven celebrity-obsessed teens who became the most audacious burglary gang in Hollywood history.
It’s 19 September 2010, and 21-year-old Rachel Lee has emerged from Los Angeles Superior Court, having just been sentenced to four years behind bars.
A few months earlier, she had been running the Bling Ring: a gang of rich, beautiful, wild-living Valley teens who idolised celebrity, designer labels and luxury brands. Who, in 2009, became the most audacious thieves in recent Hollywood history.
In a case that has shocked the nation, the seven schoolfriends stole millions of dollars’ worth of clothing, jewellery and possessions from the sprawling mansions of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Orlando Bloom, among others – using gossip websites, Google Earth and Twitter to aid their crimes.
But what made these kids – all of whom already enjoyed designer clothes, money, cars and social status – gamble with their lives at such high stakes?
Journalist Nancy Jo Sales, the author of Vanity Fair’s acclaimed exposé of the Bling Ring, gained unprecedented access to the group to answer that question. In the process she uncovered a world of teenage greed, obsession, arrogance and delusion that surpassed her wildest expectations.
Now, for the first time, Sales tells their story in full. Publishing to tie into Sofia Coppola’s film of the same name, this is a fascinating look at the dark and seedy world of the real young Hollywood.

nerolia 11 сентября 2014 г., 10:54

Gail McHugh

A missed first encounter…

Colliding with a second chance…

On the heels of graduating college and trying to cope with her mother’s death, Emily Cooper moves to New York City for a fresh start.

While harboring secrets of his own, Dillon Parker takes care of Emily through her grief. Knowing he can’t live without her by his side, he’s sweet, thoughtful, and everything Emily has ever wanted in a man.

Until she meets Gavin Blake—a rich and notorious playboy who is dangerously sexy and charming as hell. Emily tries to deny the instant connection she feels, but Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome is not inclined to let go so easily. Recovering from his own painful past, Gavin will stop at nothing to win Emily over.

This unexpected encounter compels Emily to question her decisions, forcing her to make a choice that will destroy friendships, shatter hearts, and forever change her life

nerolia 11 сентября 2014 г., 13:40

Gail McHugh
Серия:Collide #2

How do you keep existing when your heart is so splintered, so completely torn to shreds, your pulse is fading?

You’re…broken. How do you move forward when every breath is nothing more than a constant ache? Living becomes an insidious reminder that you threw away the single largest part of yourself. Your…soul. No amount of distraction can pull you from the torture of losing your…life.

Now that Emily Cooper has walked away from her first love, she finds herself running toward her only love. Unraveling fast, but clinging to hope, Emily risks all she has left on the man that has consumed her every thought and dream since the day they met. Will Gavin take her back? And if so, will their reunion be a collision of two hearts destined to complete one another and rekindle a love that knew no boundaries? Or will scars from their past rip open, tearing slowly at what each of them was meant to be? Can fate, the ultimate game changer, mend the shattered road it laid out from the start?

Only time will tell…


nerolia 11 сентября 2014 г., 13:41

Indiscreet letter
Элеонора Эбботт

The Traveling Salesman, The Young Electrician and the Youngish girl meet on a train from Halifax to Boston and discuss life, love, and indiscreet letters

nerolia 12 сентября 2014 г., 11:15

A little Eve Edgarton
Элеонора Эбботт

Eve Edgarton is not who she seems to be. A short encounter with Mr. Barton shows that first impressions are not always right or indicative of ones seemingly obvious preference or ones proclivity

nerolia 12 сентября 2014 г., 11:17

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Классная подборка!
Большое спасибо!

Я рада, что Вам понравилось! Добавляйте, если найдете еще книги без перевода и без рецензий. Буду рада!

Если вы еще занимаетесь подборкой, то Theodore Boone: The Accused (Гришэм) не только обзавелся русским переводом, но и рецензией к книге на английском языке :)

А также более или менее форматными рецензиями обзавелись следующие книги:
I've got you under my skin
The Providence Rider
Lost Lake
All the Light We cannot See
Shut Out
The Innocent

Спасибо за замечания! Убираю из подборки!

У Ugly love, Echopraxia, Vicious, The House on Mango Street, All the Light We Cannot See, But I love him, Let the Devil Sleep есть рецензии, но не все их можно так назвать...

Надо удалить
1. David Nicholls "The Understudy"
2. Rachel Ward "The Drowning"
3. Robin McKinley "Spindle's End"
4. Mitch Albom "The First Phone Call from Heaven"
5. Jeffrey Archer "The Sins of the Father"
6. Jennifer L. Armentrout "Wait for you"

на 14 странице я устала проверять)))

Спасибо! Удалила.

Спасибо большое за помощь! Убираю из подборки. Замечательно, что на русский язык переводят все больше и больше книг!

Книга A Whiff of Scandal переведена на русский :)

Спасибо! Удалила!

The Diviners переведены на русский :)

Удалила, Спасибо!

Illusions of Fate обзавелись рецензией, ура!

The Arrivals переведены на русский :)

Спасибо! Все удалила!

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