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29 мая 2013 г., 00:20

“There’s a theory,” said Anna, handing him a cup of tea as she climbed back into bed, “that we are all Atlanteans.”
“Us. San Franciscans.” [...]
“Well … in one of our last incarnations, we were all citizens of Atlantis. All of us. You, me, Frannie, DeDe, Mary Ann. [...] We all lived in this lovely, enlightened kingdom that sank beneath the sea a long time ago. Now we’ve come back to this special peninsula on the edge of the continent … because we know, in a secret corner of our minds, that we must return together to the sea.”
“The earthquake.”
Anna nodded. “Don’t you see? You said the earthquake, not an earthquake. You’re expecting it. We’re all expecting it.”
“So what does that have to do with Atlantis?”
“The Transamerica Pyramid, for one thing.”
“Don’t you know what dominated the skyline of Atlantis, Edgar … the thing that loomed over everything?”
He shook his head.
“A pyramid! An enormous pyramid with a beacon burning at the top!”