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14 октября 2017 г., 17:12

They say that you have to love yourself first before you can love somebody else. It’s true. I have to love me, I have to have high self-esteem before I love somebody else. It’s really simple. If you don’t love yourself, and you’re loving somebody else, you’re putting all the responsibility for yourself on him, which is not fair. Everybody has to come in 100 percent. I’m here 100 percent. You’re here 100 percent. We will work through whatever we find. But if you’re coming in as basically half a person, any relationship is not going to work. Nobody should be in charge of babysitting you, or vice versa. Once you are a grown-up, you no longer need a babysitter, and you should not be babysitting your friends or your lovers. You should both be self-sufficient people who know themselves and who can share that with each other. That is called maturity.