Серия книг «Oracles of Delphi Keep» — 3 книги

Oracles of Delphi Keep
Victoria Laurie
Год издания:2009
Издательство:Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers

"Ian Wigby is about to find out that he is a very special boy."
Along the southern coast of England, atop the White Cliffs of Dover, stands a castle. And at that castle's old…

The Curse of Deadman's Forest
Victoria Laurie
Год издания:2011
Издательство:Yearling Books

The Curse of Deadman's Forest is the second book in the Oracles of Delphi Keep—a series with all the timeless charm of classics like the Chronicles of Narnia and all the…

Quest for the Secret Keeper
Victoria Laurie
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Delacorte Books for Young Readers

Delphi Keep is awash in activity, and for Ian, Theo, and Carl, their safe haven might be nearing its end. The Royal Navy has taken the keep to use as a hospital and the tunnels…