Серия книг «Doctor Who: Time Trips»

BBC Digital BBC Books

Short stories that are bigger on the inside.

Time Trips - серия коротких историй, выпускаемых в электронном формате BBC Digital совместно с BBC Books. Серия запущена по горячим следам успешного прошлогоднего проекта Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary E-Shorts.

График выпуска историй: раз в месяц в течение 2014 года (несмотря на то, что фактически первая история стартовала в декабре 2013г.)
Каждая книга посвящена какой-то инкарнации Доктора.

Последние добавленные книги

Doctor Who: The Death Pit
Alison Louise Kennedy
ISBN:1448141842, 9781448141845
Год издания:2013
Издательство:BBC Digital
Серия:Doctor Who Time Trips

Something odd is going on at the Fetch Brothers Golf Spa Hotel. Receptionist Bryony Mailer has noticed a definite tendency towards disappearance amongst the guests. She's tried talking to the manager, she's even tried talking to the owner who lives in one of the best cottages in the grounds, but to no avail. And then a tall, loping remarkably energetic guest (wearing a fetching scarf and floppy hat) appears. The Fourth Doctor thinks he's in Chicago. He knows he's in 1978. And he also knows that if he doesn't do something very clever very soon, matters will get very, very out of hand.

capitalistka 9 февраля 2014 г., 00:31

Doctor Who: Into the Nowhere
Дженни Т. Колган
Год издания:2014
Издательство:BBC Digital
Серия:Doctor Who Time Trips

The Eleventh Doctor and Clara land on an unknown alien planet. To the Doctor's delight and Clara's astonishment, it really is unknown. It's a planet the Doctor has never seen. It's not on any maps, it's not referenced on any star charts or in the TARDIS data banks. It doesn't even have a name. What could be so terrible that its existence has been erased?

capitalistka 9 февраля 2014 г., 00:42

Doctor Who: Keeping Up with the Joneses
Nick Harkaway
ISBN:1448141877, 9781448141876
Год издания:2014
Издательство:BBC Digital
Серия:Doctor Who Time Trips

Deep in the gap between the stars, the TARDIS is damaged by a temporal mine. It's not life-threatening, but the Tenth Doctor will need a while to repair the damage. But he's not alone. The strangely familiar-looking Christina thinks the Doctor has arrived in her bed and breakfast, somewhere in Wales. In fact, the TARDIS seems to have enveloped Christina's entire town - and something else is trapped inside with it. A violent, unnatural storm threatens them all and - unless it's stopped - the entire universe.

capitalistka 9 февраля 2014 г., 00:49

Doctor Who: Salt of the Earth
Trudi Canavan
ISBN:1448141885, 9781448141883
Год издания:2014
Издательство:BBC Digital
Серия:Doctor Who Time Trips

The Third Doctor and Jo Grant arrive for a well-deserved holiday of sun and 'blokarting' on a salt lake in Australia in 2028. Weird sculptures adorn the landscape - statues carved from the salt. People have been leaving them in the salt lakes for years - but these look different. Grotesque, distorted figures twisted in pain. They don't last long in the rain and the wind, but they're just made of salt... Aren't they?

capitalistka 9 февраля 2014 г., 00:52

Doctor Who: A Handful of Stardust
Джейк Арнотт
ISBN:1448141850, 9781448141852
Год издания:2014
Издательство:BBC Digital
Серия:Doctor Who Time Trips

The TARDIS is diverted to England in 1572, and the Sixth Doctor and Peri meet John Dee - 'mathematician, astrologer, alchemist, magician, and the greatest mind of our time'. ('Only of your time?', the Doctor asks, unimpressed.) But what brought them here? When the Doctor discovers that Dee and his assistant have come across a 'great disturbance in the cosmos, in the constellation of Cassiopeia,' he realizes that they are all in terrible danger.

capitalistka 9 февраля 2014 г., 00:55

Doctor Who: The Bog Warrior
Cecelia Ahern
Год издания:2014
Издательство:BBC Digital

Arriving on the planet Cashel, the Tenth Doctor witnesses a strange masked ball. To guarantee peace, Prince Zircon has to choose a bride from the Bog People - dead men and women who have been resurrected as slaves. Or as warriors. But Zircon is in love with the enslaved Princess Ash, whose parents were deposed and executed by the current Queen. As usual, the Doctor has walked right into trouble, and it's up to him to sort it out.

capitalistka 7 мая 2014 г., 22:47

Doctor Who: The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Time Traveller
Joanne Harris
Год издания:2014
Издательство:BBC Digital

Struggling to get back to UNIT HQ, his body being destroyed by radiation, the Third Doctor arrives in the most perfect English village, where everyone is happy. But is he really on Earth, or somewhere far more strange? As his body weakens, the Doctor and the Queen of the village begin to unravel the truth.

capitalistka 9 сентября 2014 г., 21:23

Doctor Who: The Anti-Hero
Stella Duffy
ISBN:1448142385, 9781448142385
Год издания:2014
Издательство:BBC Digital

Arriving at the ancient Musaeum of Alexandria, the Doctor is keen to explore. He might find some new recorder music, and Jamie might discover a new porridge recipe, while Zoe will love the antiquated ideas about astrophysics. But once inside, they all find rather more than they bargained for, and it soon becomes clear they may never leave the Museaum alive... (The Second Doctor)

capitalistka 29 ноября 2014 г., 23:43

Doctor Who: Time Trips (сборник)
ISBN:1849907714, 9781849907712
Год издания:2015
Издательство:BBC Books

- The Anti-Hero by Stella Duffy
- Salt of the Earth by Trudi Canavan
- The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Time Traveller by Joanne Harris
- The Death Pit by A.L. Kennedy
- A Handful of Stardust by Jake Arnott
- The Bog Warrior by Cecelia Ahern
- Keeping Up with the Joneses by Nick Harkaway
- Into the Nowhere by Jenny T. Colgan
+ 'hidden story': A Long Way Down by Jenny T. Colgan

capitalistka 27 мая 2015 г., 12:32