Книги издательства «2000 AD»

Судья Дредд: на самом дне
Артур Виатт, Генри Флинт
Год издания:2014
Серия:Антиутопия в комиксах.
Judge Death: My Name Is Death
John Wagner, Фрейзер Ирвинг
Год издания:2013

Judge Death, a twisted alien being from a dimension where all life is crime, has escaped from a Mega-City One containment facility and is headed for the radioactive hell of the…

Алан Мур, Jim Baikie
Год издания:1983
Издательство:2000 AD

Skizz, an alien interpreter, crash lands on Earth and his ship self-destructs to stop it falling into the wrong hands. He is saved from the military by a young girl called Roxy.

Brass Sun: The Wheel of Worlds
Ян Эджинтон, И. Кальбард
Издательство:2000 AD
Серия:Brass Sun

Wren's father has revealed to her the secret of their world, that it is only one of many in a clockwork solar system; but it is dying and to save her home, she must first escape…