Книги издательства «Everyman's Library»

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Дополнительные действия Catch-22Цикл «Йоссариан и другие», №1
Джозеф Хеллер
Год издания:2024
Серия:Everyman`s Library Classics

A burlesque epic in the tradition of The good soldier Schweik, Catch-22 exposes the absurdity of war by applying its own demented logic to America's involvement in Korea. The…

Дополнительные действия Music Stories
Уэсли Стейс
Год издания:2024
Издательство:Everyman's Library
Серия:Everyman's Pocket Classics

A beautiful hardcover anthology of short stories about music by a remarkable array of literary greats, selected by someone who is both a musician and a writer

Music may be a…

Дополнительные действия Stories of Books and Libraries
Год издания:2023
Издательство:Everyman's Library
Серия:Everyman's Library Pocket Classics Series

An enchanting book about books: a beautiful hardcover Pocket Classics anthology of stories that testify to the irresistible power of the written word

The characters in the…

Дополнительные действия Stories of Books and Libraries
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Classics

Here are libraries modest, mobile, mystical (Borges of course) and magical (Helen Oyeyemi's enchanting 'Books and Roses'); public and private, provincial and…

Дополнительные действия The Bridge on the Drina
Andric Ivo
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Classics

The town of Visegrad was long caught between the warring Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires, but its sixteenth-century bridge survived unscathed--until 1914 when tensions in the…

Дополнительные действия Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poems
Роберт Браунинг, Элизабет Баррет Браунинг
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Poets

Celebrated in their time and still popular over a century after their deaths, Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett had a unique relationship which is reflected in their work.…

Дополнительные действия Goodbye to all that
Роберт Грейвз
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Classics

Robert Graves, aged nineteen, left school within a week of the outbreak of World War I, and immediately volunteered with the Royal Welch Fusiliers. His experiences as a junior…

Дополнительные действия Hip Hops. Poems about Beer
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Poets

From Li Bai's 'Bring in the Ale' to Ted Kooser's 'Beer Bottle'; from Robert Burns's' John Barleycorn' to Carol Ann Duffy's 'John Barleycorn' (no, you are not seeing double), the…

Дополнительные действия Stories of Southern Italy
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Classics

Woven through all these tales are the unique histories and mythologies of the regions of Southern Italy, encompassing Sicily, Calabria, Cantania, Basilicata, Apulia and Campania.…

Дополнительные действия The Complete Works. Essays, Travel Journal, Letters
de Montaigne Michel
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Classics

Describing his collection of Essays as ‘a book consubstantial with its author’, Montaigne identified both the power and the charm of a work which introduces us to one of the most…

Дополнительные действия The Language of Flowers
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Poets

The language of flowers is as old as language itself. In the earliest poetry familiar plants were used to represent simple emotions, ideas, or states of mind: love, hope, despair,…

Дополнительные действия The Best Medicine. Stories of Healing
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Classics

This unique collection of medical stories approaches its theme from many eras and perspectives. Some of the authors included were themselves physicians, notably Chekhov, Conan…

Дополнительные действия Stories of Fatherhood
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Classics

This wide-ranging anthology pays tribute to fathers young and old. At one end of the spectrum, a touching story by Ann Packer tells of a man preparing for the wonder and terror of…

Дополнительные действия Russian Fairy Tales
Gillian Avery
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Children`s Classics

The famous stage-designer Ivan Bilibin was a self-taught artist who was lucky enough to be offered the commission of a lifetime at the very start of his career. In 1899 the…

Дополнительные действия Letters
Эмили Дикинсон
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Poets

The same inimitable voice and dazzling insights that make Emily Dickinson's poems immortal can be found in the whimsical, humorous, and often deeply moving letters she wrote…

Дополнительные действия Buzz Words. Poems About Insects
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Poets

Given that insects vastly outnumber us (there are approximately 200 million insects for every human) it is no surprise that there is a rich body of verse on the creeping,…

Дополнительные действия Scottish Stories
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Classics

Scottish Stories is a treasury of great writing from a richly literary land, where the short story has flourished for over two centuries. Here are chilling supernatural stories…

Дополнительные действия Stories of Motherhood
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Classics

Stories of Motherhood gathers together more than a century of short fiction from a wide variety of authors in a literary celebration of the most elemental of human relationships.…

Дополнительные действия London Stories
Год издания:2023
Серия:Everyman`s Library Pocket Classics

London has the greatest literary tradition of any city in the world. Its roll-call of story-tellers includes cultural giants who changed the way the world thought about writing,…

Дополнительные действия The Sun Also Rises
Эрнест Хемингуэй
Год издания:2022
Серия:Everyman`s Library Classics

Ernest Hemingway’s iconic first novel, published in 1926, tracks the Lost Generation of the 1920s from the nightclubs of Paris to the bullfighting arenas of Spain.
The Sun Also…

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