Издания и произведения

  • Бюро слухов Дженни Оффилл
    ISBN: 978-5-907428-67-6
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Livebook
    Язык: Русский

    «Бюро слухов» — объемный портрет одной семьи, но в то же время — это увлекательное размышление о тайнах близости и доверия и о состоянии всеобщего кораблекрушения, которое объединяет нас всех. Героиня романа влюбляется, выходит замуж, рожает дочь, преподает литературное мастерство, борется с клопами в квартире, ходит на йогу, пытается осознать, что у мужа есть любовница, но это внешнее. На самом деле первично ощущение, что все в мире связано: наша будничная жизнь, полная мелочей, и слова Китса, Кафки, Рильке; любовные письма со штемпелем «Бюро слухов» и отчаянный опыт русских космонавтов; нежная материнская любовь и советы домохозяйкам…

  • Dept. of Speculation Jenny Offill
    ISBN: 978-1847088734
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Granta
    Язык: Английский

    They used to send each other letters. The return address was always the same: Dept. of Speculation. They used to be young, brave, and giddy with hopes for their future. They got married, had a child, and skated through all the small calamities of family life. But then, slowly, quietly something changes. As the years rush by, fears creep in and doubts accumulate until finally their life as they know it cracks apart and they find themselves forced to reassess what they have lost, what is left, and what they want now. Written with the dazzling lucidity of poetry, Dept. of Speculation navigates the jagged edges of a modern marriage to tell a…

  • Dept. of Speculation Jenny Offill
    ISBN: 0385350813, 9780385350815
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский

    Jenny Offill's heroine, referred to in these pages as simply "the wife," once exchanged love letters with her husband, postmarked Dept. of Speculation, their code name for all the uncertainty that inheres in life and in the strangely fluid confines of a long relationship. As they confront an array of common catastrophes--a colicky baby, bedbugs, a faltering marriage, stalled ambitions--the wife analyzes her predicament, invoking everything from Keats and Kafka to the thought experiments of the Stoics to the lessons of doomed Russian cosmonauts. She muses on the consuming, capacious experience of maternal love, and the near total destruction…

  • Произведения

  • Dept. of Speculation Jenny Offill
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Dept. of Speculation
    Дата написания: 2014
    Первая публикация: 2014
    Язык: Английский

    They used to send each other letters. The return address was always the same: Dept. of Speculation. They used to be young, brave, and giddy with hopes for their future. They got married, had a child, and skated through all the small calamities of family life. But then, slowly, quietly something changes. As the years rush by, fears creep in and doubts accumulate until finally their life as they know it cracks apart and they find themse

  • Аудиокниги

  • Dept. of Speculation Jenny Offill
    ISBN: 9781629231860
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Dreamscape Media
    Язык: Английский

    Jenny Offill's heroine, referred to in these pages as simply "the wife," once exchanged love letters with her husband postmarked Dept. of Speculation, their code name for all the uncertainty that inheres in life and in the strangely fluid confines of a long relationship. As they confront an array of common catastrophes—a colicky baby, a faltering marriage, stalled ambitions—the wife analyzes her predicament, invoking everything from Keats and Kafka to the thought experiments of the Stoics to the lessons of doomed Russian cosmonauts. She muses on the consuming, capacious experience of maternal love, and the near total destruction of the self…
