Бумажные издания
Fire Dancer Ann Maxwell
ISBN: 9780786001552 Год издания: 1995 Издательство: Pinnacle Язык: Английский Rheba is the sole survivor of a blaze that destroyed her planet, and Kirtn is the Bre'n warrior sworn to protect the exquisite, sensual fire dancer on a perilous journey to a far-off planet
Fire Dancer Ann Maxwell
ISBN: 0-451-11939-8, 978-0-451-11939-1 Год издания: 1982 Издательство: Signet Язык: Английский Rheba is the sole survivor of a blaze that destroyed her planet, and Kirtn is the Bre'n warrior sworn to protect the exquisite, sensual fire dancer on a perilous journey to a far-off planet.