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&uot;Yeah, I am the rich black man from New York in Africa: Johnny Fuck Me Walker&uot; Dantse Dantse
ISBN: 9783738055306 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Немецкий Johnny Fuck Me Walker pretends to be a rich Afro-American from New York, who has met Obama and Beyonc?. He only speaks English, to make his story believable and his best friend Roger translates – not very precisely. Johnny tries his hand at being a marriage swindler and fools Anzehma, a young girl he's met on the internet, into believing he is the love of her life. With borrowed money he presents her and her whole village the luxurious lifestyle of the rich, which convinces everyone he really is a rich Afro-American who has come to save them all from poverty. Johnny and Anzehma stay in the fanciest hotels in town, they go out for dinner to…