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Но не всё и не всегда было спокойно в далёком королевстве. Хотя и говорят: «Милые бранятся, только тешатся», но самим милым так не казалось…

[20.10.201* 11:20:45] Natalie: sixteen years between us… doesńt matter?

[20.10.201* 18:56:34] Amir: even one hundred sixteen years doesn’t matter! The only thing matters is my love for you and i love you a lot

Natalie: very well, then why are you still searching girls on facebook?

Amir: who said that?

Natalie: you add new and new

Amir: and why are you saying this?

Natalie: ok, sorry, call… my son

Amir: well i am searching new models for my fashion show, not the girls for me

Amir: hey you there????

Natalie: Amir, wait, i am talking to my family

Amir: ok send me message once you will be free… i am waiting

Natalie: well, I have finished

Amir: ok good so how are you my princess? i have got your passport

Natalie: fine! I know

Amir: but as you are coming in JAN so i will start you visa process in DEC because if you wouldn’t come within two months of issuance of visa, it expires

Natalie: ok, it is better, do that, I think I will come in the middle of January

Amir: ok, i wana see your pretty face

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:43. ***

Amir: honey i was busy in office

Amir: i am sorry

Amir: just left open love

*** Call ended ***

Amir: because i was checking your messages before that you will send me your passport so it left open

Amir: please don’t close

Amir: i wana see you

Amir: please

Amir: open your cam

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:53. ***

Amir: i love you a lot… yea, i was waiting for you

*** Call ended ***

Amir: i am thinking about you only these days… you don’t know how much happy i was when i got your passport… that now you will be with me soon

Natalie: not SOON, two months is long time for me… and my life is very strange one

Amir: yes, it’s a long time honey

Natalie: full of unexpected turns… and you are one of them

Amir: i am lucky and this is the most pleasant turn of my life that i found an angel whom i want to love my whole life

Natalie: I am not an angel, far from this, but I will try to make you happy as much as it only possible to be happy here, on the Earth

Amir: i know my life will be like heaven with you but i wana see you now so cam plz

Natalie: and I want you to install your camera and microphone at last!

Amir: yes, tomorrow is the deadline

Natalie: my son wants to speak with you!

Amir: i remember, ok cool, i love to speak with him too but this time i wana see you, just wana see how lucky i am that i have a beautiful girl in my life… ok this Friday we can do it… now i wana see you so comeon cam plz

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:55. ***

Amir: you look sooooooooooo beautiful today

*** Call ended ***

Amir: i love you baby

Natalie: well, I love you too and want to see you too, dońt know now how to live these two months… :)

Amir: yea these two months are like two centuries for me… i talked to my parents yesterday

Natalie: and what?

Amir: and i told them about you that i love you and i want to marry you, i showed one of your pictures as well

Natalie: and what was their reaction on your message?

Amir: well they don’t have any objection, they want to meet you so they will come here when you are here so they will meet you too

Natalie: did you told him about my age?

Amir: yes, no problem at all

Natalie: do you like Russians? why do you want to see Moscow so much?

Amir: i love snowfall and i have come to know that there is heavy snowfall there so i want to go there

Natalie: but it is VERY cold as well, especially for you

Amir: honey you are very hot so it will be balance hahahahahhahaha;)

Natalie: right! but see I like Sanсt-Petersburg more, I dońt like Moscow

Amir: well we will stay there for some days and then will live in Sanct-Petersburg as well don’t worry

Natalie: ok, I have friends in both places

Amir: hahahahahhah okzzz;)

Natalie: and in Kiev as well, Kiev the most beautiful for me

Amir: ok, we will go all three places after marriage

Natalie: sorry, call

Amir: ok

Natalie: well, it was Marry! so good woman! she pays me money, but behaves with me as with a friend

Amir: so why do you ask her for money, why didn’t me?

Natalie: no, I dońt ask! it is just my job to help her with her mother and she pays me for that, but behaves in so nice manner that I really like to be here, it is like at home

Amir: great say thanks to her from me

Natalie: ok, she also asked me about you (because we had a talk while were sending you docs etc… so I show her your photo in the morning and told a bit about you :) this photo in my profile… I really like it!

Amir: what she said?

Natalie: she said it is very good and I have to think about myself and dońt listen to others (like my sis for example) but I didńt tell her about dif in age :)

Amir: ok no problem

Natalie: and I have spoken with my mom as well, but without camera, so it was a bit difficult for me. But I spoke with her about you for the first time just gave some information to think and finished the call

Amir: so what were the comments? and did you told her i am Muslim?

Natalie: yes, I told you are a Muslim, where are you from, how old you are and also how nice with me and that we now love each other so no one can stop me, she knows me very well, so she has to accept

Amir: great well she will be impressed after meeting me, i am not that bad, we will meet her soon

Natalie: in which way?

Amir: she is your mom so we should meet her simply

Natalie: will you come with me to Estonia?

Amir: like son-in-law… yea sure why not: if you are coming to DUBAI then why can’t i come to ESTONIA after marriage and we will meet VOVA too

Natalie: ok, very well, she will be happy and my father, too. My father wanted me to be married, the only one in my family

Amir: well i will be family too so he will be happy too;)

Natalie: I dońt understand a bit about your work – what do you do basically now?

Amir: i am a financial consultant working as FINANCIAL MANAGER handling financial matters of company, preparing income statements, balance sheets and handling costs and expenses

Natalie: ok, but when and how then did come this idea with show? and where do you get the time? and do you have some photos or drawings of your clothes?

Amir: well i have also done my degree in fashion designing so just design sometimes, i am drawing my designs these days, i will surely send you some but this fashion show thing is getting difficult for me because it needs time and i don’t have much time for it

Natalie: ok, I want to have a look

Amir: well they are not completed and are on paper yet

Natalie: of course, all needs time, but see my rule is: if I start something, it HAS to be finished… no matter how difficult it is! so go on, plz!

Amir: well i will send you through email, need to scan because it’s on paper; my primary job is as financial consultant, this is my hobby to draw designs… what’s your body figure?

Natalie: you will like it! :) why I need to tell? and what? you will see it in time

Amir: well i will prepare a dress for you that you can wear on the first night we meet, i will take you out for dinner

Natalie: ok, great, then what do you want to know? which details?

Amir: breast, waist and hip

Natalie: ok, I will measure it now… I dońt know, wait a bit

Amir: ok sure

Natalie: waist 70, breast 87, hips 95

Amir: ok and what is your favorite color?

Natalie: white… silver may be… but I am very naughty with clothes… if I dońt like it I cańt put it on! and I have enough clothes to go out!

Amir: well don’t worry you will love that dress. Do you like shoulder-less dresses?

Natalie: maybe, but it’s difficult to make a really great thing without trying… and you have no chance for that! so dońt be in hurry again! Better you will make a dress for me when I am with you

Amir: ok it will be better

Ох, как же далеко унесли их мечты. Натали говорила с Амиром и одновременно, как в сцене из фильма, видела себя в прекрасном светлом платье, вечером в ярко-освещённом зале, рядом с ним… Что-то напоминала ей эта сцена, что-то такое давнее, почти забытое, но очень важное. Натали не могла целиком сосредоточиться на размышлениях и воспоминаниях, поэтому просто отпустила красивую картинку. Если это важно, вспомнится само, решила она.

Natalie: yes I like, but… I want you to understand it now… i am really beautiful and give strong impression to men… just DON`T show me up too much… otherwise you will have problems… I know!

Amir: well no problems and none can dare to even touch you… if anyone dares to do that he will never able to touch anything and that i promise

Natalie: that what I call a problem!

Amir: leave it honey, i will handle it

Natalie: let’s do a short break… did you have your dinner already?

Amir: you want to eat, my princess?

Natalie: I just want a short break… I dońt want to eat, but will do, otherwise I cańt fall asleep at night

Amir: ok i am waiting for you love just send me a message as you come back

Натали отправилась на кухню, куда вскоре пришла и Нелли, и они, как обычно, провели время за ужином в приятной беседе. Нелли часто улыбалась рассказам Натали, но той недосуг было засиживаться, так что она быстро убрала посуду в посудомойку, захватила с собой стакан с чаем и снова отправилась в свою комнату.

Natalie: I took tea with me, will drink it here about this first GO OUT on the same day… listen I will be after road and definitely will need a rest and I also feel myself bad after coming in new place, so it is not SO good idea for me in fact

Amir: yea i know, honey you will be with me soon so just try to go through it then we are going to have great time together, i will show you amazing places and we will both enjoy our life

Natalie: of course you will show me! but we can start a bit later, when I come up to normal myself! :)

Amir: well these matters will be discussed later

Natalie: you are thinking about me now TOO MUCH, my face is just burning!;)

Amir: hahahahaha i always think about you;)

Natalie: maybe, but not as much as now

Amir: now i have your photo at my desktop so i could see you twenty four hours a day – day and night

Natalie: which one?

Amir: the photo with black dress in which you have tagged me, you are laying down alone, with silver shoes and black blouse

Natalie: ok, I see, I dońt like my face on the photo

Amir: but i love you here;)

Он говорил о летнем фото в саду, на качелях, где на Натали были чёрные блестящие шальвары и вверху – только широкая полоска той же ткани, закрывавшая грудь. Плечи и живот оставались открытыми и казались мраморно-белыми по контрасту с чёрной тканью одеяния. Скрестив ноги и опираясь на согнутую в локте руку с браслетами, она лежала на качелях с несколько отстранённым и капризным выражением на лице, как восточная правительница, решившая отдохнуть от своих дел.

К слову сказать, имея собственный дом, сад, участок земли со множеством цветов и других растений, Натали чувствовала себя королевой собственного маленького королевства. Упомянутое фото вполне отражало это «собственническое» настроение.

Natalie: well, I can guess why! that́s why I have some such photos in my album which is closed for others!

Amir: hahahahah well reason is you are looking amazing here, kisses for you

Natalie: thanks… I can show you some other pictures from the album, I can open it for you only… but here I also still keep some of Adnańs photos… if you have no problem with it, I will open the album only for you

Amir: ok i don’t have any problem, i don’t care about your past, i am happy that you are mine now, just mine

Natalie: he is not past; I just corrected our relations a bit! I wanted him be a friend of mine before, but he wanted more… that was the beginning of the story… ok, I’ll go there… «favorites» the name of album

Amir: is it open???

Natalie: no, wait!

Amir: ok

Amir: done?

Natalie: no, have patience! I will tell

Amir: ok love

Natalie: well, try now!

Amir: ok wait

Amir: beautiful, you are awesome… you have very pretty feet mmmuuuuaaaahhhhh show me your feet at cam

Natalie: no, Amir, then you will ask to see some more, it is not good

Amir: well it’s not like that, i really respect you and no more, just because i am asking only this, i have never thought of such worst thing… you are going to be my wife

Да, надо было отдать ему должное: будучи в том же самом возрасте, что и Аднан, и в том же самом положении одинокого неженатого мужчины, Амир вёл себя вполне корректно, никогда не переступая границы уважительного поведения. До сих пор он не позволял себе никаких рассуждений на щекотливую тему секса, никаких «горячих» отклонений, что несколько даже удивляло Натали, но в то же время усиливало чувство доверия к Амиру.

Amir: so what are you doing now? i am listening RASMUS

Natalie: well, listen to… which song?


Natalie: I like the most Ghost of Love… Run to you

Amir: yup it’s awesome…

Natalie: Amir?

Amir: yea

Natalie: I have finished with all of this for today… again the letter from my sis… dońt understand her at all

I thought she would be happy about me, but she is… doesńt understand! but I hope my parents will accept out marriage in right way

Amir: yes, i hope so love i will convince your sister too so don’t worry… honey it’s because she loves you and maybe for her it’s not good if you marry a Muslim guy but when she meets me she will change her view i am sure… honey there is some difference in thinking that can be changed and it’s easy to sort it out… now open your cam, give me good bye kiss and we both will go to sleep

Она включила камеру и поделилась с ним на прощанье одной проблемой: слишком много впечатлений, и от радости ей стало трудно засыпать.

*** Call to Amir, duration 01:00. ***

Amir: kiss me

Amir: oh my GOD

Amir: why is that?

Amir: same with me

Amir: ok

Amir: yes

*** Call ended ***

Amir: take care my love and be happy, i love you a lot

Natalie: ok, you too, good night

Amir: and miss you a lot

Natalie: well, we are going to miss each other for long! :)) bye!

Amir: kisses for your beautiful lips… good bye
