Shifter Wars: Supernatural Battle Келли Сент Клер
Форма: роман Язык: Английский When Mum died, I inherited a lot more than a pack of lies. I landed a $410,000 debt. Discovered her previous surname. And her real place of birth. Desperate to uncover the truth, I drive to a tiny dot on the map called Deception Valley. Coincidental name? Nope. There, I find her secret family--because she had one of those too. How many lies are we at? Honestly, I've lost count, but local gossip captures my attention. Apparently, Mum's other family play laser tag every Wednesday. Not even joking. Laser tag. What the hell is this place? In hindsight, the massive guy with honey irises was my first major clue. Unusual eyes for a human, right?…