Бумажные издания
Of the Greatness of Life Helmut Lauschke
ISBN: 9783742708144 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Немецкий In the unknown lies the infinity of hope, expectation and greatness with its beauty, joy, mourning and the dreams of achievements and fulfillments. Knowledge is the exception, ignorance is common. Knowledge is an achievement, ignorance is the natural origin. Achievements are work related, the ignorance not as a lack of interest, willpower and vision. Secrecy lies between known and unknown. It forges both together. The problem starts when you separate them and distinguish one from the other with the precision of truth. Language in its complexity is very difficult. To bring the tools for speaking together that is real art. The sensory and…
Of the Greatness of Life Helmut Lauschke
In the unknown lies the infinity of hope, expectation and greatness with its beauty, joy, mourning and the dreams of achievements and fulfillments. Knowledge is the exception, ignorance is common. Knowledge is an achievement, ignorance is the natural origin. Achievements are work related, the ignorance not as a lack of interest, willpower and vision. Secrecy lies between known and unknown. It forges both together. The problem starts when you separate them and distinguish one from the other with the precision of truth. Language in its complexity is very difficult. To bring the tools for speaking together that is real art. The sensory and…