• สิ้นแสงอนธการ 1 Жоубао Бучи Жоу
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Rose Publishing
    Язык: Тайский
  • Remnants of Filth: Yuwu (Novel) Vol. 1 Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
    ISBN: 978-1-68579-467-5
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Seven Seas
    Язык: Английский

    The wildly popular danmei/Boys' Love novel series from China set in the universe of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun! A historical fantasy epic about two war generals who were once close...until dark circumstances ripped them apart. Noble-born Mo Xi is the foremost general of Chonghua, known for his ruthless temper and ascetic air. Once he was one of two promising young commanders, twin stars of the empire. His comrade, the lowborn Gu Mang, was Mo Xi’s brother-in-arms, best friend, and—secretly—his lover, until the day Gu Mang turned traitor and joined the ranks of their nation’s greatest enemy. Now Gu Mang has been returned to…

  • 风波吞天同征路 / Fengbo tun tian tong zheng lu 肉包不吃肉
    ISBN: 9787549275878
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House
    Язык: Китайский

    墨熄和顾芒同为重华将领,两人更是年少相伴的同门师兄弟。八年前师兄顾芒居然叛逃敌国,而后两军对峙,墨熄与顾芒在战火中相见,顾芒却不顾情谊,刀剑相向。那一剑刺入了墨熄胸口,也割断了情谊。 多年后,墨熄得知顾芒以叛徒的身份回到重华却沦为奴隶。奇怪的是,对这个叛贼,人人都想杀之而后快却没人敢下手。然而当墨熄去找他的时候,却发现他已经不记得从前事,还变得如傻子一般…… 与此同时,重华一夕间怪事迭起。墨熄等人奉旨查案,然而抽丝剥茧般,众人发现一系列事情的结果比想象中复杂,似乎还卷入朝中不少公侯将相,其中更是牵扯出当年顾芒叛变的隐情……