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– 1 white tablecloth

– 1 image of the Most Holy Death that you need

– 3 white roses

– 1 white candle of the Holy Death

– 1 white plate

– 1 glass of sherry

– 1 packet of cigars

– 12 coins

– small scissors

– sweets of different colours

– 1 ashtray

– 1 shelf, optional


Find a place to set up your altar, place the shelf and the cloth. Then, place the image of your Holy Death. Place the roses next to the image and, in front, the plate with the scissors, the coins and the sweets, next to a glass of sherry. Light two cigars, smoke one and leave the other one in the ashtray for your Most Holy Death. Light the candle and say her prayer. Leave the candle lit while you are working, but turn it out when you finish work.