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Groceries or grocery trade


– 1 yellow tablecloth

– 1 gold or bone statue of the Most Holy Death

– 1 shelf, optional

– 1 candle Success and Fortune

– 1 glass of water

– 1 packet of cigarettes

– 1 cross of Christ, made by any material

– a little honey

– 1 glass of brandy

– 3 red roses

– 1 magnet stone

– 3 needles

– 1 ashtray

– jasmine incense

– 1 vase


Find a place where you would like to set up your altar. Put the shelf, if you wish, and the tablecloth, and place the image of the Most Holy Death in the middle. In front of the image put the ashtray and in the ashtray put the magnet stone, the needles, and the cross of Christ. Place the vase with the roses next to your Holy Death, and the honey and the brandy on the other side. Light two incense sticks and let them burn out.

Smoke a cigarette and leave the other one, lit, in the ashtray for your Holy Death making sure that it does not fall. Light the candle and say the prayer. Visualise your business with a lot of success and economic prosperity. Change the ingredients of your altar as many times as necessary.