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Law office


– 1 green statue of the Holy Death

– 1 green tablecloth

– 1 coconut

– 1 balance

– 1 candle or big candle that represents Justice

– some cane sugar or honey

– 12 carnations, six white and six red

– 1 cigar

– dark beer

– 1 white plate

– 8 mint-flavoured sweets

– 12 coins

– 1 magnet stone

– 1 alum stone

– 1 clay bowl or plate

– 1 shelf, optional


Find an appropriate place to set up your altar, place the shelf, the tablecloth and the image of your Holy Death. In front of the image, place the beer, the coconut, and some cane sugar or honey in the clay bowl or plate. Next to the Most Holy Death place the flowers and on the other side the white plate with the stones, the coins and the mint sweets. Place the balance and say:

May the roads open,

Politically, legally, administratively,

And at work. So be it.

Light the candle and say a prayer for Justice. Change the sugar or honey, the coconut and the beer every week and the flowers when necessary.