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Grade IV. Test 3


3.1. 5, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 9, 1

Use of English

3.2. 1. this 2. that 3. these, These, those 4. this 5. these, this 6. this, these 7. these, Those 8. this, this



1. old, older

2. good, better, better, better, the best

3. warmest, warm, warmer, warm

4. hotter, the hotTest, hot

5. beautiful, the most beautiful, beautiful


1. …had, last Saturday.

2. …went, last Sunday.

3. …went, yesterday morning.

4. Did, last summer.

5. …went, that winter.

6. …was, that autumn.

7. …had, yesterday.

8. …got up, yesterday morning.

9. Did, yesterday evening.

10. …did not, last Sunday.


1. Did it snow a lot last week?

It did not snow a lot last week.

2. Did she travel a lot last year?

She did not travel a lot last year.

3. Did the shop close at 6 yesterday?

The shop did not close at 6 yesterday.

4. Did she help her Mum with the festive dinner?

She did not help her Mum with the festive dinner.

5. Did he write a lot of postcards yesterday?

He did not write a lot of postcards yesterday.

6. Did she sing a lot of popular songs yesterday?

She did not sing a lot of popular songs yesterday.

7. Did he walk all day long yesterday?

He did not walk all day long yesterday.

3.7. 1. go 2. likes 3. celebrated 4. Did, did 5. walked, was 6. doesn’t rain 7. go, come/went, came 8. writes

3.7. 1. puppy 2. mice 3. tortoise 4. domestic 5. beautiful 6. mouth 7. tail 8. wolves 9. grew 10. quickly

3.8. 1. neck 2. ears 3. legs 4. fingers, toes 5. nose/ hair 6. teeth 7. eyes 8. slowly 9. quickly 10. happy