Издания и произведения

  • Мелкие воровки Маргарет Оуэн
    ISBN: 978-5-04-182641-3
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Like Book
    Язык: Русский

    Ваня Шмидт знает, что ни один дар не дается даром, даже материнская любовь, и она сидит на крючке из-за адского долга. Ваня, приемная крестница Смерти и Фортуны, до года назад была верным слугой принцессы Жизель. Это было тогда, когда потусторонние матери Вани потребовали ужасную цену за свою заботу, и Ваня решил украсть ее будущее... украв себе жизнь Жизель. Настоящая Жизель осталась без гроша в кармане, а Ваня использует заколдованную нитку жемчуга, чтобы занять ее место. Теперь Ваня ведет одинокую, но прибыльную двойную жизнь принцессы и похитителя драгоценностей, очаровывая знать, опустошая их сундуки, чтобы профинансировать свой…

  • Hoți mărunți Маргарет Оуэн
    ISBN: 9786069072981
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Storia Books
    Язык: Румынский

    Odinioară, a existat o fată îngrozitoare... Vanja Schmidt știe că orice dar vine cu un preț, chiar și dragostea unei mame. Când viața îi este pusă în pericol și riscă să piardă protecția oferită de nașele ei, Moartea și Fortuna, Vanja se hotărâște să-i fure viața stăpânei sale, Gisele, folosind un colier de perle vrăjite pentru a-i lua locul. Acum Vanja duce o viață dublă, ca prințesă și hoț de bijuterii în Minkja, fermecând nobilii în timp ce le golește cuferele pentru a-și finanța marea evadare. La un jaf distanță de libertate, atrage asupra ei furia unei Zeițe Inferioare și este blestemată să aibă parte de un sfârșit prematur:…

  • Little Thieves Маргарет Оуэн
    ISBN: 9781250191908
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Henry Holt & Company
    Язык: Английский

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, kind princess who was betrothed to the prince of a faraway kingdom. When she set off for her new home, her mother gave her a maid for a companion on the journey. But instead of serving the princess, the wicked maid stole her place. For a year the true princess toiled away like a common goose girl, while the wicked maid lived high in the palace, fooling the kingdom. But the truth came out. The princess took back her name, her crown, and her husband, and the imposter died for her crimes. Then one day, the wicked maid... ...told her own story.

  • Little Thieves Маргарет Оуэн
    ISBN: 9781529381696
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Английский

    Once upon a time, there was a horrible girl . . . Vanja Schmidt knows that no gift is freely given, not even a mother's love. The adopted goddaughter of Death and Fortune, Vanja has long made her own way in the world as the dutiful servant of Princess Gisele. Until a year ago, when her otherworldly mothers demanded payment for their care, and Vanja decided to steal her future back . . . by stealing Gisele's life.

  • Little Thieves Маргарет Оуэн
    ISBN: 9781529381702
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Английский

    Once upon a time, there was a horrible girl . . . Vanja Schmidt knows that no gift is freely given, not even a mother's love. The adopted goddaughter of Death and Fortune, Vanja has long made her own way in the world as the dutiful servant of Princess Gisele. Until a year ago, when her otherworldly mothers demanded payment for their care, and Vanja decided to steal her future back . . . by stealing Gisele's life.

  • Произведения

  • Little Thieves Маргарет Оуэн
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Little Thieves
    Первая публикация: 2021
    Язык: Английский

    Once upon a time, there was a horrible girl... Vanja Schmidt knows that no gift is freely given, not even a mother's love--and she's on the hook for one hell of a debt. Vanja, the adopted goddaughter of Death and Fortune, was Princess Gisele's dutiful servant up until a year ago. That was when Vanja's otherworldly mothers demanded a terrible price for their care, and Vanja decided to steal her future back... by stealing Gisele's life for herself. The real Gisele is left a penniless nobody while Vanja uses an enchanted string of pearls to take her place. Now, Vanja leads a lonely but lucrative double life as princess and jewel thief,…
