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As Simple as Snow Gregory Galloway
ISBN: 9780147515810 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Penguin Young Readers Group Язык: Английский Anna--who prefers to be called Anastasia--is a slightly spooky and complicated high school girl with a penchant for riddles, Houdini tricks, and ghost stories. She spends much of her time writing obituaries for every living person in town. She is unlike anyone the narrator has ever known, and they make an unlikely, though happy, pair.Then a week before Valentine's Day, Anna disappears, leaving behind only a dress placed neatly near a hole in the frozen river, and a string of unanswered questions. Desperate to find her, or at least to comprehend what happened and why, the narrator begins to reconstruct the past five months. And soon the…
Простой, как снег Грегори Галлоуэй
ISBN: 978-5-17-041752-0, 978-5-9713-6005-6, 978-5-9762-2543-5, 978-985-16-3281-3 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: АСТ, Харвест, АСТ Москва, Хранитель Язык: Русский Всего лишь - парень и девчонка из маленького городка... Всего лишь - удушливая, тяжкая атмосфера всеобщей "нормальности". Всего лишь - жажда вырваться из трясины любой ценой. Пусть ценой жизни - не важно, собственной или чужой. Любовь? Ненависть? Союз двух волчат-одиночек? Все это - и многое другое? Дороги Свободы не бывают легкими, но в конце их - Свет...
As Simple as Snow Gregory Galloway
ISBN: 0425207803, 978-0425207802 Год издания: 2006 Издательство: Berkley Язык: Английский Anna—who prefers to be called Anastasia—is a slightly spooky and complicated high school girl with a penchant for riddles, Houdini tricks, and ghost stories. She spends much of her time writing obituaries for every living person in town. She is unlike anyone the narrator has ever known, and they make an unlikely, though happy, pair. Then a week before Valentine's Day, Anna disappears, leaving behind only a dress placed neatly near a hole in the frozen river, and a string of unanswered questions. Desperate to find her, or at least to comprehend what happened and why, the narrator begins to reconstruct the past five months. And soon the…
Простой, как снег Грегори Галлоуэй
Форма: роман Оригинальное название: As Simple as Snow Дата написания: 2005 Язык: Русский