Бумажные издания
In the Shadow of Silence: From Hitler Youth to Allied Internment: A Young Woman's Story of Truth and Denial Гертруд Макпранг Бэр
ISBN: 0002000938, 9780002000932 Год издания: 2002 Издательство: HarperCollins Canada Язык: Английский As a naive young German student in the last months of World War II, Gertrud Baer faced a tough choice: working in an armament factory where she could be killed by bombs or toxic chemicals, or joining the Nazi secret police. She opted for the latter and went to work for the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), or Security Service, one of the most sinister organizations in the Nazi state. After the war, Baer was interned in Allied detention camps and later immigrated to Canada, where she became director of the Goethe Institute in Ottawa. Her wartime experiences provoked years of soul-searching about the responsibility of individual Germans in supporting…