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Cider with Rosie Лори Ли
ISBN: 9780099285663 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Vintage Books Язык: Английский Cider with Rosie is a wonderfully vivid memoir of childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a village before electricity or cars, a timeless place on the verge of change. Growing up amongst the fields and woods and characters of the place, Laurie Lee depicts a world that is both immediate and real and belongs to a now-distant past.
Cider With Rosie Laurie Lee
ISBN: 0099561441, 9780099561446 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Vintage Classics Язык: Английский WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY MICHAEL MORPURGO Summer was also the time of these: of sudden plenty, of slow hours and actions, of diamond haze and dust on the eyes; of jazzing wasps and dragonflies, haystooks and thistle-seeds, snows of white butterflies, skylark's eggs, bee-orchids, and frantic ants... All this, and the feeling that it would never end, that such days had come forever... All sights twice-brilliant and smells twice-sharp, all game-days twice as long... we used up the light to its last violet drop, and even then we couldn't go to bed. Cider With Rosie is the best and most vital kind of memoir, rich with colourful, sensuous…
Cider with Rosie Laurie Lee
ISBN: 9781907360541 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Collector's Library Язык: Английский Cider with Rosie is the first part of the poet Laurie Lee’s (1914–1997) autobiographical trilogy. It describes his life in the Gloucestershire village of Slad from his earliest years until he was twenty. He tells of thin winters, fat summers, local legends and ghosts, of neighbours and relations, and of growing up against a half-pagan landscape in which violence and madness, country follies and feasts were all part of one pastoral mess-pot. John Ward (1917–2007) was born in Hereford and was a noted book illustrator who gave the Prince of Wales his first professional lessons in painting.
Cider with Rosie Laurie Lee
ISBN: 1567923550, 978-1567923551 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Nonpareil Books Язык: Английский At all times wonderfully evocative and poignant, Cider with Rosie is a charming memoir of Laurie Lee's youth in a remote Gloucestershire village, a world that he makes tangibly real even as it's now in a distant past. Abandoned by her husband, Laurie's adoring mother becomes the center of his world as she struggles to raise a family against the backdrop of the Great War. The sophisticated adult author's retrospective commentary on events is endearingly juxtaposed with that of the innocent, spotty youth, permanently prone to tears and self-absorption. Cider with Rosie became an instant bestseller when it was published in 1959, selling over…
Cider with Rosie Laurie Lee
ISBN: 0099455730, 9780099455738 Год издания: 2003 Издательство: Vintage Язык: Английский "Cider with Rosie" is a wonderfully vivid memoir of childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a village before electricity or cars, a timeless place on the verge of change. Growing up amongst the fields and woods and characters of the place, Laurie Lee depicts a world that is both immediate and real and belonging to a now-distant past.
Сидр и Рози Лори Ли
ISBN: 5-93630-144-3 Год издания: 2002 Издательство: ДЕАН Язык: Русский Впервые российский читатель имеет возможность познакомиться с творчеством одного из известнейших писателей XX века, чьи произведения переведены на многие языки и неоднократно переиздавались в Европе и Америке. Предлагаемый роман `Сидр и Рози` был удостоен литературной премии и выбран в качестве образцового текста для системы высшего образования США.
Cider with Rosie Laurie Lee
ISBN: 0141182776, 9780141182773 Год издания: 2000 Издательство: Penguin Classics Язык: Английский Cider with Rosie is a wonderfully vivid memoir of childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a village before electricity or cars, a timeless place on the verge of change. Growing up amongst the fields and woods and characters of the place, Laurie Lee depicts a world that is both immediate and real and belongs to a now-distant past.
Cider with Rosie Laurie Lee
ISBN: 0140278729, 9780140278729 Год издания: 1998 Издательство: Penguin Books Язык: Английский At all times wonderfully evocative and poignant, Cider With Rosie is a charming memoir of Laurie Lee's childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a world that is tangibly real and yet reminiscent of a now distant past. In this idyllic pastoral setting, unencumbered by the callous father who so quickly abandoned his family responsibilities, Laurie's adoring mother becomes the centre of his world as she struggles to raise a growing family against the backdrop of the Great War. The sophisticated adult author's retrospective commentary on events is endearingly juxtaposed with that of the innocent, spotty youth, permanently prone to tears and…
Cider with Rosie Лори Ли
Год издания: 1959 Издательство: Hogarth Press Cider with Rosie is a wonderfully vivid memoir of childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a village before electricity or cars, a timeless place on the verge of change. Growing up amongst the fields and woods and characters of the place, Laurie Lee depicts a world that is both immediate and real and belongs to a now-distant past.
Cider with Rosie Laurie Lee
Форма: роман Оригинальное название: Cider With Rosie Дата написания: 1959