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Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова


A.I. Shatalkin. «Zoological philosophy» of Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck: sight from XXI century. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 2009.606 p., ref. 1128,40 figs.

In the book the new understanding of Lamarck evolutionary doctrine is stated. Up to the middle of XIX century concept of heredity was not in language of a science. Instead of this the concept of the nature was used. Generic and specific attributes since times of scholasticism were considered as essential and, hence, as the true attributes describing the nature of an organism. The nature was opposed to changeable intraspecific attributes which can be classified, whether they are transmitted from parents to children or not. The concept of a heredity as the description of inherited variability has been used by Darwin in his theory of natural selection. Lamarckian and Darwinian models of evolution, hence, have different domains of definition. By the end of XIX century the concept of the nature of an organism has disappeared from language of a science. As the result, «key» for satisfactory understanding of ideas of Lamarck have been lost. The Lamarckian approach corresponds to positions of the physiological concept of the heredity which are in use on boundary XIX-XX of centuries and nowadays received development in ideas epigenetics and a new direction “Evo-Devo”.