Издания и произведения

  • History of the Rain Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 9781408852057
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Bloomsbury

    We are our stories. We tell them to stay alive or keep alive those who only live now in the telling. In Faha, County Clare, everyone is a long story... Bedbound in her attic room beneath the falling rain, in the margin between this world and the next, Plain Ruth Swain is in search of her father. To find him, enfolded in the mystery of ancestors, Ruthie must first trace the jutting jaw lines, narrow faces and gleamy skin of the Swains from the restless Reverend Swain, her great-grandfather, to grandfather Abraham, to her father, Virgil - via pole-vaulting, leaping salmon, poetry and the three thousand, nine hundred and fifty eight books…

  • История дождя Нейл Уильямс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-096722-3
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    "История дождя", под звуки которого происходят значимые события в жизни девочки по имени Рут, — это колоритное смешение традиций, мифов и легенд. Рут не выходит из дома из-за неизвестной болезни. Она окружена книгами, которые принадлежали ее отцу Вергилию. Девочка много читает и однажды решает создать собственную версию жизни Вергилия. Она начинает издалека, с юности Абрахама, отца ее отца, который, чудом уцелев во время войны, покидает родной дом и отправляется в поисках удачи в живописную Ирландию. История Рут — это сказ о бесконечном дожде, который однажды обязательно закончится. Это песнь во славу любви, которая исцеляет,…

  • History of the Rain Niall Williams
    ISBN: 978-1408852033
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
    Язык: Английский

    We are our stories. We tell them to stay alive or keep alive those who only live now in the telling. In Faha, County Clare, everyone is a long story...Bedbound in her attic room beneath the falling rain, in the margin between this world and the next, Plain Ruth Swain is in search of her father. To find him, enfolded in the mystery of ancestors, Ruthie must first trace the jutting jaw lines, narrow faces and gleamy skin of the Swains from the restless Reverend Swain, her great-grandfather, to grandfather Abraham, to her father, Virgil - via pole-vaulting, leaping salmon, poetry and the three thousand, nine hundred and fifty eight…

  • Произведения

  • History of the Rain Нейл Уильямс
    Дата написания: 2020

    We are our stories. We tell them to stay alive or keep alive those who only live now in the telling. In Faha, County Clare, everyone is a long story... Bedbound in her attic room beneath the falling rain, in the margin between this world and the next, Plain Ruth Swain is in search of her father. To find him, enfolded in the mystery of ancestors, Ruthie must first trace the jutting jaw lines, narrow faces and gleamy skin of the Swains from the restless Reverend Swain, her great-grandfather, to grandfather Abraham, to her father, Virgil - via pole-vaulting, leaping salmon, poetry and the three thousand, nine hundred and fifty eight books…
