Издания и произведения

  • The English Girl Кэтрин Вебб
    ISBN: 9781409148548
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Orion

    Joan Seabrook, a fledgling archaeologist, has fulfilled her lifelong dream to travel to Arabia and has arrived in the ancient city of Muscat with her fiance, Rory. Desperate to escape the pain of a personal tragedy, she longs to explore the desert fort of Jabrin and unearth the wonders held within. But Oman is a land lost in time, and in the midst of violent upheaval gaining permission to explore could prove impossible. Joan's disappointment is only eased by the thrill of meeting her childhood heroine, pioneering explorer Maude Vickery, and hearing the stories that captured her imagination and sparked her ambition as a child. The…

  • Девушка из Англии Кэтрин Уэбб
    ISBN: 978-5-389-12724-1
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Джоан Сибрук, начинающий археолог из Англии, вместе со своим женихом Рори отправляется в старинный город Маскат. Джоан мечтает исследовать заброшенный замок Джабрин и найти погребенные там сокровища. Оман – страна, затерянная во времени, – суровая, таинственная, раздираемая внутренними противоречиями; и получить разрешение на археологические исследования в Джабрине оказывается почти невозможным. Разочарование Джоан смягчается знакомством с кумиром ее юности, знаменитой путешественницей Мод Викери, много лет живущей в Маскате, словно затворница. У обеих женщин – свои цели и свои тайны. По мере того как крепнет их дружба, рассказы Мод и жажда…

  • The English Girl Katherine Webb
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский

    Joan Seabrook, a fledgling archaeologist, has fulfilled her lifelong dream to visit Arabia by travelling from England to the ancient city of Muscat with her fiancé, Rory. Desperate to escape the pain of a personal tragedy, she longs to explore the desert fort of Jabrin, and unearth the treasures it is said to conceal. But Oman is a land lost in time - hard, secretive, and in the midst of a violent upheaval - and gaining permission to explore Jabrin could prove impossible. Joan's disappointment is only alleviated by the thrill of meeting her childhood heroine, pioneering explorer Maude Vickery, and hearing first-hand the stories that…

  • Произведения

  • The English Girl Кэтрин Вебб
    Форма: роман
    Дата написания: 2023

    Joan Seabrook, a fledgling archaeologist, has fulfilled her lifelong dream to travel to Arabia and has arrived in the ancient city of Muscat with her fiance, Rory. Desperate to escape the pain of a personal tragedy, she longs to explore the desert fort of Jabrin and unearth the wonders held within. But Oman is a land lost in time, and in the midst of violent upheaval gaining permission to explore could prove impossible. Joan's disappointment is only eased by the thrill of meeting her childhood heroine, pioneering explorer Maude Vickery, and hearing the stories that captured her imagination and sparked her ambition as a child. The friendship…
