Издания и произведения

  • How to Paint Citadel Miniatures Саймон Адамс
    ISBN: 978-1907964787
    Издательство: Citadel
    Язык: Английский

    When it comes to painting Citadel Miniatures, this book is an absolute must-have. This mighty tome is crammed full of information about painting; from undercoating your miniatures and applying your first layer of paint, right through to your final highlight. To help you achieve great results there are 136 pages of articles on how to undercoat your models, how to apply Base Paints, Shades, Layers and Glazes, how to use Textured Paints, what Drybrushing is all about, how to use transfers, and many other techniques. The book also includes eight army projects, each of which is a complete army painting guide from start to finish. And if…
