Бумажные издания
Еда. Отправная точка. Какими мы станем в будущем, если не изменим себя в настоящем? Би Уилсон
ISBN: 978-5-699-90274-3 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Эксмо Язык: Русский "Одни люди относятся к еде легко, для других она является темой многочисленных сомнений и размышлений. До недавнего времени я принадлежала ко второй категории: у меня тоже складывались непростые отношения с едой. И вот, наконец, к собственному удивлению и радости, мне удалось перейти на другую сторону. В этой книге я постараюсь рассказать, как такое стало возможным." Эта книга подробно шаг за шагом описывает то, как рождаются наши пристрастия, симпатии и антипатии к разным продуктам и блюдам. С одной стороны, генетика, семейные традиции, социальное окружение очень влияет на формирование наших вкусов. С другой стороны - все не так…
First Bite: How We Learn to Eat Би Уилсон
ISBN: 978-0465094127 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Basic Books Язык: Английский We are not born knowing what to eat; as omnivores it is something we each have to figure out for ourselves. From childhood onward, we learn how big a “portion” is and how sweet is too sweet. We learn to enjoy green vegetables—or not. But how does this education happen? What are the origins of taste? In First Bite, award-winning food writer Bee Wilson draws on the latest research from food psychologists, neuroscientists, and nutritionists to reveal that our food habits are shaped by a whole host of factors: family and culture, memory and gender, hunger and love. Taking the reader on a journey across the globe, Wilson introduces us to…
First Bite. How We Learn to Eat Би Уилсон
ISBN: 9780007549726 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: 4th Estate Язык: Английский We are not born knowing what to eat; we each have to figure it out for ourselves. From childhood onwards, we learn how big a portion is and how sweet is too sweet. The way we learn to eat holds the key to why food has gone so disastrously wrong for so many people. But how does this happen? And can we ever change our food habits for the better? An exploration of the extraordinary and surprising origins of our taste and eating habits, in First Bite award-winning food writer Bee Wilson explains how we can change our palates to lead healthier, happier lives.
First Bite: How We Learn to Eat Би Уилсон
Дата написания: 2016 Fortnum & Mason Food Book of the Year 2016We are not born knowing what to eat. We all have to learn it as children sitting expectantly at a table. For our diets to change, we need to relearn the food experiences that first shaped us.Everyone starts drinking milk. After that it’s all up for grabs.We are not born knowing what to eat; we each have to figure it out for ourselves. From childhood onwards, we learn how big a portion is and how sweet is too sweet. We learn to love broccoli – or not. But how does this happen? What are the origins of taste? And once we acquire our food habits, can we ever change them for the better?In First Bite,…
First Bite Би Уилсон
ISBN: 9780008121389 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: HarperAudio Язык: Английский We are not born knowing what to eat. We all have to learn it as children sitting expectantly at a table. For our diets to change, we need to relearn the food experiences that first shaped us. Everyone starts drinking milk. After that it's all up for grabs. We are not born knowing what to eat; we each have to figure it out for ourselves. From childhood onwards, we learn how big a portion is and how sweet is too sweet. We learn to love broccoli - or not. But how does this happen? What are the origins of taste? And once we acquire our food habits, can we ever change them for the better? In First Bite, award-winning food writer Bee Wilson…