Издания и произведения

  • The Magicians Лев Гроссман
    ISBN: 9781529102161
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: DelRey
    "Волшебники" - роман Льва Гроссмана.
    Жизнь Квентина Колдуотера навсегда меняет, казалось бы, случайная встреча: когда он приходит на вступительное собеседование в Принстонский университет, он находит своего интервьюера мертвым - но странный конверт с именем Квентина ведет его совсем по другому пути. Вместо Принстона его приглашают учиться в Брейкбиллс - секретный колледж современных магов.
    Квентин глубоко погружается в тайный мир одержимости и привилегий, мир свободы и власти; и на какое-то время кажется, что это отвечает всем желаниям Квентина. Но идиллия не может длиться вечно. Есть и другие силы, помимо колдовства, силы столь же соблазнительные, сколь и опасные - и когда иллюзия безопасности рушится, Квентин оказывается втянутым в мир, гораздо более темный, чем он когда-либо представлял.
    В конце концов, власть развращает. Никаких исключений.
    Книга на английском языке.
    In a secret world of forbidden knowledge, power comes at a terrible price...
    Quentin Coldwater's life is changed forever by an apparently chance encounter: when he turns up for his entrance interview to Princeton University, he finds his interviewer dead - but a strange envelope bearing Quentin's name leads him down a very different path. Instead of Princeton, he finds himself invited to study at Brakebills - a secret college of modern-day sorcerers.
    Quentin plunges deep into a secret world of obsession and privilege, a world of freedom and power; and for a while, it seems to answer all Quentin's desires. But the idyll cannot last. There are others powers than sorcery, powers that are as seductive as they are dangerous - and when the illusion of safety shatters, Quentin is drawn into a world far darker than he ever imagined.
    After all, power corrupts. No exceptions.
  • Волшебники Лев Гроссман
    ISBN: 978-5-17-112927-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Квентин Колдуотер – бруклинский старшеклассник, математический гений. Но по какой-то причине он не чувствует себя счастливым, как будто в его жизни вечно чего-то не хватает… Когда Квентин неожиданно попадает в частный колледж магии Брекбиллс, ему кажется, что все мечты разом сбылись. Однако волшебная страна из детских фантазий на поверку оказывается гораздо более опасным местом, чем он когда-либо мог себе представить…

  • Волшебники Лев Гроссман
    ISBN: 978-5-17-092937-5
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Квентин Колдуотер – бруклинский старшеклассник, математический гений. Но по какой-то причине он не чувствует себя счастливым, как будто в его жизни вечно чего-то не хватает… Когда Квентин неожиданно попадает в частный колледж магии Брекбиллс, ему кажется, что все мечты разом сбылись. Однако волшебная страна из детских фантазий на поверку оказывается гораздо более опасным местом, чем он когда-либо мог себе представить…
  • The Magicians Lev Grossman
    ISBN: 0452296293, 9780452296299
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Quentin Coldwater is brilliant but miserable. A senior in high school, he’s still secretly preoccupied with a series of fantasy novels he read as a child, set in a magical land called Fillory. Imagine his surprise when he finds himself unexpectedly admitted to a very secret, very exclusive college of magic in upstate New York, where he receives a thorough and rigorous education in the craft of modern sorcery.

    He also discovers all the other things people learn in college: friendship, love, sex, booze, and boredom. Something is missing, though. Magic doesn’t bring Quentin the happiness and adventure he dreamed it would. After graduation he and his friends make a stunning discovery: Fillory is real. But the land of Quentin’s fantasies turns out to be much darker and more dangerous than he could have imagined. His childhood dream becomes a nightmare with a shocking truth at its heart.

    At once psychologically piercing and magnificently absorbing, The Magicians boldly moves into uncharted literary territory, imagining magic as practiced by real people, with their capricious desires and volatile emotions. Lev Grossman creates an utterly original world in which good and evil aren’t black and white, love and sex aren’t simple or innocent, and power comes at a terrible price.
  • The Magicians Lev Grossman
    ISBN: 0670020559, 9780670020553
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Viking Adult
    Язык: Английский
    Quentin Coldwater is brillant but miserable. He's a senior in high school, and a certifiable genius, but he's still secretly obsessed with a series of fantasy novels he read as a kid, about the adventures of five children in a magical land called Fillory. Compared to that, anything in his real life just seems gray and colorless.

    Everything changes when Quentin finds himself unexpectedly admitted to a very secret, very exclusive college of magic in upstate New York, where he receives a thorough and rigorous education in the practice of modern sorcery. He also discovers all the other things people learn in college: friendship, love, sex, booze, and boredom. But something is still missing. Magic doesn't bring Quentin the happiness and adventure he though it would.

    Then, after graduation, he and his friends make a stunning discovery: Fillory is real.
  • The Magicians Lev Grossman
    ISBN: 978-0-0995-3444-0
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Английский
    In a secret world of forbidden knowledge, power comes at a terrible price...Quentin Coldwater's life is changed forever by an apparently chance encounter: when he turns up for his entrance interview to Princeton he finds his interviewer dead - but a strange envelope bearing Quentin's name leads him down a very different path to any he'd ever imagined. The envelope, and the mysterious manuscript it contains, leads to a secret world of obsession and privilege, a world of freedom and power and, for a while, it's a world that seems to answer all Quentin's desires. But the idyll cannot last - and when it's finally shattered, Quentin is drawn into something darker and far more dangerous than anything he could ever have expected...
  • The Magicians Лев Гроссман
    ISBN: 9781101080184
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Viking
    Язык: Английский
    Quentin Coldwater is brillant but miserable. He's a senior in high school, and a certifiable genius, but he's still secretly obsessed with a series of fantasy novels he read as a kid, about the adventures of five children in a magical land called Fillory. Compared to that, anything in his real life just seems gray and colorless.

    Everything changes when Quentin finds himself unexpectedly admitted to a very secret, very exclusive college of magic in upstate New York, where he receives a thorough and rigorous education in the practice of modern sorcery. He also discovers all the other things people learn in college: friendship, love, sex, booze, and boredom. But something is still missing. Magic doesn't bring Quentin the happiness and adventure he though it would.

    Then, after graduation, he and his friends make a stunning discovery: Fillory is real.
  • Произведения

  • Волшебники Лев Гроссман
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Magicians
    Дата написания: 2009
    Первая публикация: 2016
    Перевод: Н. Виленская
    Язык: Русский

    Квентину, скучающему выпускнику старших классов из Нью-Йорка, выпала уникальная возможность пройти тестирование в закрытой школе волшебства Брэйкбиллз. Блестяще справившись с тестом, Квентин с радостью оставляет привычный мир для того, чтобы стать волшебником с большой буквы. Вместе с двумя гениальными подростками со своего потока: скромной Элис и бунтарем – панком Пэнни, они сделают удивительное открытие, которое способно изменить все магическое сообщество. Соблазн осуществить детскую мечту велик, как и опасность нового мира, ведь к тому, что их ждет впереди, не смог подготовить даже прославленный Брэйкбиллз.

  • The Magicians Лев Гроссман
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Magicians
    Дата написания: 2009
  • Аудиокниги

  • The Magicians Лев Гроссман
    ISBN: 9781473537408
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Cornerstone Digital
    Язык: Английский
    Quentin Coldwater's life is changed forever by an apparently chance encounter: when he turns up for his entrance interview to Princeton University, he finds his interviewer dead – but a strange envelope bearing Quentin's name leads him down a very different path. Instead of Princeton, he finds himself invited to study at Brakebills – a secret college of modern-day sorcerers.

    Quentin plunges deep into a secret world of obsession and privilege, a world of freedom and power; and for a while, it seems to answer all Quentin's desires. But the idyll cannot last. There are others powers than sorcery, powers that are as seductive as they are dangerous – and when the illusion of safety shatters, Quentin is drawn into a world far darker than he ever imagined.

    After all, power corrupts. No exceptions.
  • The Magicians Лев Гроссман
    ISBN: 9781415962466
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Books on Tape
    Язык: Английский
    Quentin Coldwater is brilliant but miserable. A high school math genius, he’s secretly fascinated with a series of children’s fantasy novels set in a magical land called Fillory, and real life is disappointing by comparison. When Quentin is unexpectedly admitted to an elite, secret college of magic, it looks like his wildest dreams have come true. But his newfound powers lead him down a rabbit hole of hedonism and disillusionment, and ultimately to the dark secret behind the story of Fillory. The land of his childhood fantasies turns out to be much darker and more dangerous than he ever could have imagined. . . .
    The prequel to the New York Times bestselling book The Magician King and the #1 bestseller The Magician's Land, The Magicians is one of the most daring and inventive works of literary fantasy in years. No one who has escaped into the worlds of Narnia and Harry Potter should miss this breathtaking return to the landscape of the imagination.