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Note on judging criteria in arts
In Bratislava we did fine – 2 in St and 3 in Lat and decided to try Adult Standard after good Youth and were 8th out of 33. I did not see so much corruption before. We, thanks to God, were in good position, by points we are first in Austria Youth in all 3 programs from today. But in general, at this competition, they left the best couple in semi-final, the semi-finalist couple they made first and second couple they made fourth. Horror! And they say Ukraine is politicized. I regret that it is hard to achieve in dance fully honestly. You can be best, but the other can easily say that marked you down because he is looking for other criteria in dance. Who will accuse him for that? It is also bad that in our business there are no exact criteria of victory as in run or long jumping. They can define for real who won. But the art is all like that. I, for example, do not see what is so good in Mona Lisa. These are all intricacies of our job. An artist can find the beauty in ugliness and make it still better. We, people of art, bust use our artistic intuition as opposed to scientists, where only calculation works. One should not enter the dance vocation with IQ lower than 100. It is all silly when they say that he just dances. If he achieved something, if he amazes people and they long to him, then he is not simply dancing, but uses full-size his brain, constantly finds out new things and works with his body not less than some athletes. I say it not about myself, but about art as a whole.
Vadim Garbuzov, 10 September, 2004