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Susan Sontag has said that her earliest idea of what a writer should be was "someone who is interested in everything." Thirty-five years after her first collection of essays, the now classic Against…

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Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar

"A Poet's Prose"
"Where the Stress Falls"
"Afterlives: The Case of Machado de Assis"
"A Mind in Mourning"
"The Wisdom Project"
"Writing Itself: On Roland Barthes"
"Walser's Voice"
"Danilo Kis"
"Gombrowicz's Ferdydurke"
"Pedro Paramo"
"A Letter to Borges"

"A Century of Cinema"
"Novel into Film: Fassbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz"
"A Note on Bunraku"
"A Place for Fantasy"
"The Pleasure of the Image"
"About Hodgkin"
"A Lexicon for Available Light"
"In Memory of Their Feelings"
"Dancer and the Dance"
"Lincoln Kirstein"
"Wagner's Fluids"
"An Ecstasy of Lament"
"One Hundred Years of Italian Photography"
"On Bellocq"
"Borland's Babies"
"Certain Mapplethorpes"
"A Photograph Is Not an Opinion. Or Is It?"

"Homage to Halliburton"
"Writing As Reading"
"Thirty Years Later"
"Questions of Travel"
"The Idea of Europe (One More Elegy)"
"The Very Comical Lament of Pyramus and Thisbe (An Interlude)"
"Answers to a Questionnaire"
"Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo"
"'There' and 'Here'"
"Joseph Brodsky"
"On Being Translated"

ISBN: 9780312421311, 9780374289171

Год издания: 2001

Язык: Английский

Страниц: 288

Жанры:  Эссе


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