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"Britt-Marie can`t stand mess. A disorganized cutlery drawer ranks high on her list of unforgivable sins. She begins her day at 6 a.m., because only lunatics wake up later than that. And she is not passive-aggressive. Not in the least. It`s just that sometimes people interpret her helpful suggestions as criticisms, which is certainly not her intention. She is not one to judge others — no matter how ill-mannered, unkempt, or morally suspect they might be. But hidden inside the socially awkward, fussy busybody is a woman who has more imagination, bigger dreams, and a warmer heart that anyone around her realizes. When Britt-Marie walks out on her cheating husband and has to fend for herself in the miserable backwater town of Borg — of which the kindest thing one can say is that it has a road going through it — she is more than a little unprepared. Employed as the caretaker of a soon-to-be demolished recreation center, the fastidious Britt-Marie has to cope with muddy floors, unruly children, and a (literal) rat for a roommate. She finds herself being drawn into the daily doings of her fellow citizens, an odd assortment of miscreants, drunkards, layabouts — and a handsome local policeman whose romantic attentions to Britt-Marie are as unmistakable as they are unwanted. Most alarming of all, she`s given the impossible task of leading the supremely untalented children`s soccer team to victory. In this small town of big-hearted misfits, can Britt-Marie find a place where she truly belongs? Funny and moving, observant and humane, Britt-Marie Was Here celebrates the unexpected friendships that change us forever, and the power of even the gentlest of spirits to make the world a better place

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Матвиенко Екатерина (EkaterinaMatvienko95)



История о том, что изменить жизнь можно в любом возрасте, да еще и с очень крутыми поворотами.

Милая женщина, всю жизнь за мужем, как за каменной стеной. Которая не знает что такое работа, сколько стоят продукты и цен на ком.услуги.

Но жизнь меняется в один миг, и, приходится искать работу, жить в иных условиях и иных местах.

Выход из комфортных условий, безусловно, сказывается не только на эмоциональном состоянии женщины, но и на её характере.

В целом, избитая история, но, может быть для кого-то эта та тема, которая сейчас так необходима.

Но читать ее нужно, все таки, людям ближе к 40.

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