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Over thirty chilling tales of gruesome evil—a man buried alive; a young girl dancing to her death; Jack the Ripper alive and well in modern Chicago and many more haunting terrors!
Издательство: Peerage Books

The black cat / Edgar Allan Poe -- The tell-tale heart / Edgar Allan Poe -- The premature burial / Edgar Allan Poe -- Torture of hope / Villiers de L'Isle Adam -- An episode of the terror / Honore de Balzac -- The hand / Guy de Maupassant -- The withered arm / Thomas Hardy -- The idiots / Joseph Conrad -- The bird / Thomas Burke -- Lot no. 249 / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- The sentence / J. Kaden-Bandrowski -- Arabesque, the mouse / A.E. Coppard -- Cinci / Luigi Pirandello -- Suspicion / Dorothy L. Sayers -- Dead on her feet / Cornell Woolrich -- Taboo / Geoffrey Household -- A little place off the Edgware Road / Graham Greene -- The words of guru / C.M. Kornbluth -- Yours truly, Jack the Ripper / Robert Bloch -- The veld / Ray Bradbury -- Evening primrose / John Collier -- Back from the grave / Robert Silverberg -- A rose for Emily / William Faulkner -- The comforts of home / Flannery O'Connor --Pig / Roald Dahl -- Robert / Stanley Ellin -- The question / Stanley Ellin -- The terrapin / Patricia Highsmith -- Not after mindnight / Daphne du Maurier -- Corabella / David Fletcher

ISBN: ISBN10: 1850521409

Год издания: 1964

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