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From one of our finest literary biographers comes a brilliant biography of Roald Dahl: the much-loved author and creator of countless iconic literary characters.

Roald Dahl was one of the world's…
Издательство: Pegasus Books

ISBN: 9781639363339

Год издания: 2023

272 pages, Hardcover

First published January 3, 2023


"Elegant but somewhat glancing ... Roald Dahl...may simply be too big to cancel ... Dennison recaps most of these extraordinary events without fuss, riffling carefully through letters, diaries and other volumes, from the looks of his endnotes, but conducting no fresh interviews; there are no new revelations that I can discern, but instead refined interpretation ... In Dennison's telling, Dahl's contradictions are beautifully illustrated but not particularly interrogated ... I think [Dahl] would have liked Dennison's writing style, lush but clipped, with such phrases as 'the ubiquity of caprice' and 'buoyant with slang,' full of a reader's zest. This is not a potted biography, but it is a politely pruned one, idealism washing over the ick."

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