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Clare and Dorran may still be alive against all odds, but relief is only temporary. Dorran is sick, and rapidly worsening. Clare fears the only way to save him lies in the mysterious Evandale Research Station, supposedly one of the few remaining human refuges. But the station is three days' journey away, and Clare isn't certain their small group can endure that long.
Because the danger they’re facing comes not only from the ravenous hollow ones... but from each other.
This terrible new world has left scars, and only some of them are physical. As Clare fights to protect the most precious people in her life, she begins to realize a horrible truth: Not everyone can be saved. And sometimes the worst monsters wear a human smile.
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ПерейтиISBN: 978-1728220208
Год издания: 2020
Язык: Английский
482 pages
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