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Pen/Hemingway finalist Jamil Jan Kochai ​breathes life into his contemporary Afghan characters, exploring heritage and memory from the homeland to the diaspora in the United States, in the spiritual…
Издательство: Viking

ISBN: 9780593297193

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

288 pages, Hardcover


"It doesn't pay to try to connect the characters and stories too literally. The Haunting of Hajji Hotak is better taken as a whole, a brilliant, crazy quilt exploring filial devotion, religious beliefs, family, history and the effects of endless war. It's also an education of sorts on the history of Afghanistan and the culture of Afghan Americans, although this is no primer for the non-Afghan reader. Kochai peppers his writing liberally with language and references that are up to you to look up if you don't understand."

Лауреат: 2023 г.Литературная премия «Aspen Words»
Номинант: 2022 г.Национальная книжная премия США (Художественная проза)

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