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Marie Jenner needs some sunshine.

Marie’s past year has been tough. She lost her apartment and her mother, and she’s been beaten up more times than she cares to count. She decides—on the advice of her shrink—that exercise will help. So, she joins a softball team.

But there’s a problem, of course. A dead girl is hanging around second base at Marie’s first game, and she won’t leave. She won’t even tell Marie her name. So Marie decides to do a little sleuthing, and what she finds out puts her in more danger than she’s ever been in her life.

All Marie wants is fresh air and exercise. Is that too much to ask?

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  • Серия:
  • Издательство:
  • Содержание
  • Дополнительная информация об издании

    ISBN: 1928025722

    Год издания: 2017

    Язык: Английский

    307 страниц

  • Премии


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