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"She was a dangerous girl and people think she'll be a dangerous woman." Nonie Blake is back home from a mental institution where she has spent the last twenty years, and people in Jarrett Creek are worried. Maybe too worried, for within a week of her return, Nonie is murdered.

Sheriff Samuel Craddock thinks the only possible suspects are members of her tight-lipped family. Ever since Nonie tried to kill her sister when she was fourteen and was sent away to the institution, the family has kept to itself.

Clues are scarce and Craddock is stumped. So he checks with therapists at the mental hospital to see whether they can add anything useful to his investigation. But he discovers that she has not been there for ten years. Now Craddock has to find out where Nonie has been all this time.

Soon the sheriff finds himself dealing not only with murder but layers of deception, a long-held family secret, blackmail, and in the midst of it all--a new deputy sheriff, one Maria Hernandez, sent by the state to beef up security in the small Texas town.

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  • Содержание
  • Дополнительная информация об издании

    ISBN: 1633881202

    Год издания: 2016

    Язык: Английский

    255 страниц

  • Премии


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