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In her third novel about the intense and difficult life of seventeen-year-old Ryan Dooley, Norah McClintock doesn’t let up on the challenges and potential disasters faced by her complex protagonist.
At the heart of Victim Rights is Dooley’s girlfriend Beth, whose loving presence is a constant reminder to keep on the straight and narrow, away from the unsavoury life and shady characters that peopled Dooley’s past. But when rumours start to swirl about Beth’s possible unfaithfulness, Dooley’s world is pushed to the brink – and it’s up to him to unravel the increasingly complex truth, or be overwhelmed by the poisonous rumours swirling around him.
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ПерейтиISBN: 9780889954
Год издания: 2010
Язык: Английский
256 р.
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