Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood

Oliver Sacks

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Oliver Sacks's luminous memoir charts the growth of a mind. Born in 1933 into a family of formidably intelligent London Jews, he discovered the wonders of the physical sciences early from his parents and their flock of brilliant siblings, most notably "Uncle Tungsten" (real name, Dave), who "manufactured lightbulbs with filaments of fine tungsten wire." Metals were the substances that first attracted young Oliver, and his descriptions of their colors, textures, and properties are as sensuous and romantic as an art lover's rhapsodies over an Old Master. Seamlessly interwoven with his personal recollections is a masterful survey of scientific history, with emphasis on the great chemists like Robert Boyle, Antoine Lavoisier, and Humphry Davy (Sacks's personal hero). Yet this is not a dry intellectual autobiography; his parents in particular, both doctors, are vividly sketched. His sociable father loved house calls and "was drawn to medicine because its practice was central in human society," while his shy mother "had an intense feeling for structure ... for her [medicine] was part of natural history and biology." For young Oliver, unhappy at the brutal boarding school he was sent to during the war, and afraid that he would become mentally ill like his older brother, chemistry was a refuge in an uncertain world. He would outgrow his passion for metals and become a neurologist, but as readers of Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat know, he would never leave behind his conviction that science is a profoundly human endeavor. --Wendy Smith

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Абсолютно очарована. Мне бы ее в школьные годы, это почти как "Девочка и птицелет", только круче))) Оливер Сакс продолжает изумлять. Конечно, в идеале бы прочитать сначала эту книжку, а потом уже "On the move" - но так уж вышло, что об этой узнала, читая ту) Итак, в данном случае - это воспоминания о детстве и школьных годах. Детство и младшая школа у автора пришлись на Вторую мировую, так что досталось ему знатно, особенно в школе эвакуации с учителем-садистом (впрочем, о нем будет очень коротко). Но черт, как же ему еще и повезло, помимо этого! Большая еврейская семья, родители-врачи, и куча дядюшек и тетушек, глубоко погруженных в науку и щедро своим погружением готовых делиться - неслыханная роскошь для многих. Один из дядюшек, помешанный на металлургии и химии, заразил своим…

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