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'Tomorrow belongs to us, not you. If you were really from the future, Miss Summerfield, you would be a Nazi.'

March 1941: Britain's darkest hour. The Nazis occupy British soil and British…
Серия: New Adventures
Издательство: Virgin Books

ISBN: 0-426-20463-8

Год издания: 1996

Язык: Английский

Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 1.9 x 10.8 x 19 cm
Number of Pages: 272

- The novel features a predecessor to UNIT called "LONGBOW". In a thread on the Usenet group rec.arts.drwho as to what this stood for, Parkin admitted he had only got as far as "League Of Nations Global..." He accepted Chris Schumacher's suggestion of "League Of Nations Global Bizarre Occurences Watch".
- The story is set in Nazi Germany-occupied Guernsey, a rare example of part of the British Isles being 'colonised' by another power.
- Parkin had recently completed an MA and his dissertation thesis was on postcolonial literature. The novel echoes that by showing reversals of familiar colonial perspectives.
- The novel also depicts Roz's experiences of discrimination as a black woman of African heritage in wartime England. This contrasts with Roz's background as she comes from a gender-equal far future where African nations dominate and is racist in her attitudes to white Europeans.


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