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Special Agent Faith Mitchell returns home to a nightmare. Her baby daughter Emma has been locked outside, and there's a trail of blood to the front door.

Without waiting for back-up, Faith enters the house. Inside a man lies dead in a pool of blood. Most worrying of all, her mother is missing.

When the Atlanta police arrive, Faith has some difficult questions to answer. But she has some desperate questions of her own. What were the killers searching for? And where is her mother?

Suspended from duty, Faith turns to her work partner, Will Trent. Together he and Sara Linton must piece together the fragments of a brutal and complicated case, and catch a vicious murderer with only one thing on his mind.

To keep on killing until the truth is finally revealed.

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  • Содержание

    Fallen, роман

  • Дополнительная информация об издании

    ISBN: 978-0099550266

    Год издания: 2012

    Язык: Английский

    Paperback: 496 pages
    Publisher: Arrow (21 Jun 2012)
    ISBN-10: 0099550261
    ISBN-13: 978-0099550266
    Product Dimensions: 19.4 x 13 x 3.4 cm

  • Жанры
  • Критика

    "A complex, gripping and deadly serious novel that reflects anew Slaughter's abundant talent.""--The Washington Post
    "An amazing effort . . . This is [Karin] Slaughter's best book to date, and readers unfamiliar with her work will find this one a perfect place to begin."--Associated Press

    "An absolute master . . . Slaughter creates some wonderfully complex and mature female characters, a distinctive achievement in the world of thrillers.""--Chicago Tribune"
    " "
    "Slaughter has always known how to pace the suspense in her stellar crime novels, but she really outdoes herself here. . . . [She] reveals the heart and soul of her characters within a highly choreographed, unrelentingly suspenseful plot."--"Booklist" (starred review)

  • Экранизации

    Уилл Трент (2023 – ...) Сериал снят по мотивам цикла книг о спецагенте GBI Уилле Тренте.

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