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Throughout the 20th century new theoretical developments, including sociology, ethnology, and psychoanalysis itself, combined to indicate that beliefs might be the effect of motivations we do not necessarily recognize.
The issue here is not what exists, but what we can accurately say exists. Faithful to Saussure, poststructuralism is concerned with what goes on in language. Truths (or otherwise) are told in language. Poststructuralists don't (normally) doubt that there is a world: their anxiety concerns what we can claim to know about it with any certainty.
О профессоре Кэтрин Белси, как важном теоретике и практике постмодернизма, я узнала вот из этого замечательного справочника по постмодернизму.
Professor Belsey's main area of work is on the implications of poststructuralist theory for…